The Experiment: Day 355 ~ The Sky Is Growing Darker, The Storm Is Ever Closer…

It is drawing closer. The sky is growing darker, there is wind stirring the trees and the leaves are beginning to come down, gently, ever so gently. The storm is moving closer.

I look out my windows here in my studio and see birds coming so close, in the camellia bush, on the deck, and I am afraid for them. Where will they go? Yesterday a feral cat was on my deck. He never comes that close. And you can’t catch them. They were born in these woods, they disappear before your eyes, where will they go?

I just took the dogs out to the potty. I brought in big tote bags from the back of the car which is tucked safely in the garage. I am preparing now to move things to our shelter in the hallway in the center of the house. I will pack one tote bag with food, drinks, and so on and the other bag will be books, electronic devices and power cords, for as long as we have power. I have already moved the big long cushions, 4 to pile on top of one another to make a bed. All manner of things already here at hand I am preparing to hang from the doorknobs in the hall. The hallway will be our fortress. There is a small bathroom there with the tub filled with water and a bucket for flushing if need be. A closet with dogfood. All manner of everything will be there.

My dear neighbor, Keith, who lives directly across the street is a fireman. He was here this morning to check on me and take down a hanging light that I could not reach, everything else all the way around the room is already taken down. He said it looked like I was in good shape, that the hall is a good plan when the worst hits, that I should text him if I need him, he will be at the fire station which is pretty near, and he will be back on Saturday and will check on me. I have every conceivable thing that I can think of or that anyone has suggested taken care of. Now we wait.

At this point it’s the waiting that’s the hardest. The hurricane has been, over the last 24 hours, downgraded from a Category 4 to a Category 2. That is good news of course but the rain predictions are worse. UP to 40 inches of rain, the flooding will be bad. I am in an area that doesn’t usually flood in bad storms so I am hoping I will be okay.

The winds are picking up. Crows are cawing loudly. The pugs are sleeping and snoring here beside me. I moved Vincent the Beta fish into the next room where there are no windows. I keep looking around and wondering what to do next and how soon. When it gets bad I will turn off this computer and unplug it, move and cover it. Then we will move to the next room, to our big recliner, with the phone beside me staying plugged in so it stays fully charged until there is no more power.

Texts are coming in from every direction between all of our family members. A couple of dear friends have called this morning. I did another Live on Facebook this morning thanking people for all of the love, prayers and support. People have been so kind. If you have tried to contact me there and I don’t answer please know how much I appreciate you but I can’t answer many people now. I will post what I can when I can. That is all I can do now.

And so we are one day closer to the hurricane making landfall. It was supposed to happen this morning but conditions keep changing, now it will likely be tomorrow, or even as late as Saturday morning, but wind and rain will start before the hurricane hits. Early intimations of it are evident now.

I am afraid but fairly calm. I appreciate your prayers. Please keep them coming.Β 

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness:Β Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
β€œDo or do not. There is no try.”


  1. Dear Maitri,

    You are so strong and have done an amazing job making these preparations. Know that God and His Angels watch over you. We are all praying for you. πŸ™πŸΌ

    I came across this Anna Quindlen quote today and it made me think of you:

    β€œThe ultimate act of bravery does not take place on a battlefield. It takes place in your heart, when you have the courage to honor your character, your intellect, your inclinations and yes, your soul by listening to its clean, clear voice of direction instead of following the muddied messages of a timid world.”

    Your voice is clear and strong and evidence of a brave and beautiful heart. ❀️ A heart we all love so much.

    I am praying for peace in your heart and a veil of protection to cover you and all who are facing the storm.

    Much love to you, my friend.

    • Oh Maggie honey, thank you so much. Your kind words mean so much to me, I love the quote, and I love you dearly. You have been such a tremendous loving presence in my life and I cannot thank you enough. I wish I could hug you, but know that I am sending a lot of love your way.

      Blessings dearheart,


  2. Coincedence: just now there was a report on German TV from Wilmington NC of all possible places! You are in my prayers and I keep thinking of you and your loved ones.
    Love and Blessings from over here
    Yours Silke

    • Thank you so much dear Silke, that means so much to me. And gracious! When our weather hits German tv it’s something! Keep those prayers coming, we really need them now….



  3. Well done, Maitri. You’ve worked so hard, you’re all prepared and Keith is so kind to check on you. You’ve been through just about everything during your 365-day blog experiment! Sending hugs and much love, I’m keeping you all in my prayers. xxx

    • Thank you so much Jenny and yes Keith is very dear, it helps so much knowing that he is nearby. And yes this 365 day blog journey has held more than I could have ever possibly have imagined! And thank you for your prayers, please keep them coming. The storm is just starting to move in now…

  4. katya taylor says

    t’was wonderful to hear your voice this morning.

    ka is with you

    and here, all is calm. sun shining, flowers blooming, cat snoozing.

    your hallway sounds like a perfect station for your safety and all needs nearby.
    you are prepared!!! may your blog keep coming. if not, we’ll wait until you show up again with powerful stories to share.


    • Thank you so much my darling Ka, and yes it was so good to hear your voice this morning too, thank you so much for the call. Now I am conserving my phone for brief calls to family to keep my battery as charged as possible. It is raining now, the storm system is moving in. I will report back in when I can. Who knows what tomorrow may bring. The power blipped off a couple of hours ago for a minute and nearly gave me a heart attack. I was like, “NOOOOOOO it’s too SOON!” It came back on and I am hoping we will have power for as long as possible. Love you honey, keep the prayers and good strong powerful thoughts coming…

      M. xoxox

  5. You sound confidently ready. The waiting is hard, but you have taken actions to protect you and the pugs while the storm blows over and past. I’m so grateful you are staying in touch as long as you can.

    • Thank you so much dear sweet Cathryn. I am as ready as I can be. The storm is moving in, it is raining and getting dark. In the hours ahead it will get worse. Please hold us in your prayers. We really need them now…

      Love to you honey…


  6. Hello Maitri, still holding you in prayer, lovely. Please call out to the Angel of Deliverance – it enables you to be free of the shackles of fear. I hold my trust in God and The Angels that you find comfort in the power of an Angel watching over you. Set your mind to her and say her name out loud with seriousness and respect. Ask the Angel of Deliverance what you need with intention. Keep calling her with faith and expectation about specific outcomes you want. Keep tapping her power to change this for the better. There may even be an Angel of Protection, I don’t all of them but summon these Angels with what you would like to see happen to keep you safe and secure. Still holding you in my heart Maitri, thought I would share with you. I want to see you settled and thought this may be something you have overlooked. Sending much love to you at this urgent time. I will be petitioning the Angels myself. I learned all about it from an intenationally acclaimed medical medium who has cured incurable diseases and his healing is spiritual in nature and he also mentions Angels in his work. I have seen miracles with his healings across the globe and he always cites the existence of Angels which has restored my faith in the existence of such things. Call on the Angels of Deliverance and Protection now Maitri. Be sincere and respectful and you will get what you need within a few minutes. Keep asking and trust in the unseen powers that exist for you xxoo

    • Thank you so much dear Leeanne and of course I will be praying to the angels as I always do and I will include in my prayers the ones you mentioned. And thank you for holding us in your heart and prayers. The storm system is moving in now, the rain has begun. May God and the angels be with us…

  7. Thinking of you and sending you prayers. “All will be well and all will be well and all manner of things will be well”.

    • Oh dear Moira, it was Julian of Norwich who said that, and I have a bracelet I have never taken off for many years that says just that, never taken off except for a period of time when one of my best friends got a scary cancer diagnosis so she could wear it. When things looked better for her she sent it back to me and I have never taken it off since. I have it on now. I believe in this with my whole heart…

      All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well. May it be so…

  8. Dearest Maitri,
    Sending prayers for an uneventful easy passing of the storm. May it continue to calmly unwind and drop its treasures out at sea. You are loved and cared for by those inhabiting this physical world and beyond.
    Love and gentle hugs,

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