The Experiment: Day 296 ~ We Will Begin Gently With A Trial Run This Sunday Night…

I think that it is time that we begin, gently, not full steam ahead.

This Sunday Night Writing Group is about, first and foremost, gentleness, kindness, safe and sacred space. And the technology aspects of it are scary for me, as I wrote about yesterday. And some people are nervous about being in a video setting. I understand. I am paralyzed from Bell’s Palsy so my mouth is a little cattywompus. I am not a fashion model. I am a very gentle soul, a teacher, and a writer, and I will be coming together with you on Sunday nights to lead you into writing exercises, write and share right along with you, and I will be doing my very best to make it a good experience for you. I want you to feel good about being there, so, to that end, this Sunday we will begin, and I will be there to help you, guide you, and open up this experience for all of us as best I can.

Yesterday I was in a dead out panic, as I wrote about. Last night I spent 2 hours with Suzanne Dulin who is an extraordinary woman, a powerhouse, and a very dear friend of many years. She was my yoga teacher, I was her writing teacher. She now has a master’s degree in engineering and works in that field while also coaching people in starting businesses and helping them with technology. She is getting me started using Zoom and will be there when she can to help. We will be meeting again Thursday night to go over things again because she probably cannot be present this first week but I understand the gist of it.

This will not be perfect but finally you just have to begin and figure things out along the way. We will be writing and reading but it will be a scaled back writing class to help people get in and get comfortable, first and foremost.

There are all kinds of reasons not to start yet, to wait for things to get just right. But things are never going to be perfect. I ask that you bear with me if and when I fumble as I surely will. But I will be there with an open and willing heart, I already have the first two sets of exercises we will be doing. The writing is designed to help you find your way into the process in a way that will help you rest as easy in yourself as possible. We are all very kind people. We will do this together. We can do this.

If you want to join us and have not yet signed up please do so as soon as possible. Write to me at and ask to be put on the list. You will then be put on a mailing list at MailChimp to receive the email notices. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU WATCH FOR AND READ THESE EMAILS. Information about how to get in the group Sunday night will be in the email plus other pertinent information you will need. You will also, when you register, be put in a “Secret” group on Facebook for our group only, no one else can see it. This will be a wonderful place for you to go after Sunday nights or through the week to meet with the other participants and talk about anything connected to writing at all since the Sunday night groups are not discussion groups and no free talking is allowed after we  begin.

I woke up this morning, in those early hours before actually getting up, and what was in my mind was this, I will do it for a month of Sundays. What I mean by that is not that I won’t continue after that but I will use this Zoom platform, I will try it, I will give it my all, for a month and see what comes up then. I really don’t have other options, there are no free platforms that will work. And if I just tell myself, “I will do it for a month” then I know I will get started and once started I will be able to keep going.

Will you join me for “A month of Sundays?” Will you bear with me and write with me and hold my hand as I hold yours? We can walk into and through this together. I just know we can.

So we begin, this Sunday. We will go from 8-10. I am asking that you arrive a little before 8 so that I can greet you as you come in. I will welcome you with open arms, and together we will write our way into a whole new world, one of our own making. And we will know that we are not alone. This will be a beautiful thing.

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”

If you are interested in joining us on Sunday nights please send me an email to: I am going to be using a MailChimp list to send out information about the group and I must have your written permission to add you to the list. Simply say “Please add me to the list” and give me the email address you would like to use plus tell me why you would like to join the group. This extra step is a security measure. For more information about The Sunday Night Writing Group click on the link herein. 


  1. excellent!!!!

  2. Hi Maitri, I love Zoom. I don’t know how to run it but I have been on camera with some other courses. I don’t mind being on camera myself. Yes I do get a bit “nervous” but I’m kind of used to it. I have a cleft lip and kinda messed up nose so my mouth is a bit different too. It is me and I’ve lived with it for 82. (also with some surgeries). Anyhow, I want to be there with and for you.
    I applaud you for learning this platform. I don’t know how to use it either. Maybe one day I will learn and do some angel card classes. Sound like fun?

    Much Love, Jean

    • Thank you so much Jean, I’m so happy you will be there, I appreciate it so much. And I’m so glad you like Zoom! A few people have really expressed a preference for audio only but there isn’t a good platform for that without paying a high monthly fee and I am hoping that via video we will get to know one another better just by seeing each other. I am shy about video but I am in a Zoom meeting twice a month from a group I’m in and I really like it. It seems more personal and alive. The basic zoom isn’t so hard but there are a million options and then you have to manage things with people in the room, not hard but it would be hard to do it alone if there were a lot of people in there. But we shall start and we shall see!

      Love to you too dear Jean…

  3. katya taylor says

    can you tell us now the code number or do we have to go to the sunday group page?
    xo ka

    • Katya you will be getting that in an email labeled [The Sunday Night Writers Group] this week along with other information about the class and a short, 1 minute, youtube video that shows about how you get into Zoom for some extra help, and I will be there in the room to help you too. 🙂

      M. xoxox

  4. katya taylor says

    can you send us the code/number to get in, or do we have to go to the special sunday writer’s group site?


  5. Thank you so much for the kind words Maitri. It is my privilege to help you and watch you take these steps. Maitri is the BEST writing teacher. Everyone is in for a wonderful gift.

    • Thank you so much dear Suzanne. You are so kind and I appreciate your helping me with this more than I can say. You are making this possible for all of us. Many blessings and much love…


  6. I felt a little panicked because I hate how I look on video. Then I thought, ‘Nyaaa, fuhgedaboutit!’ I want to experience this writing group. And that’s what I’m prepared to do.

    • Ah Dear Marge, indeed! I think we are all shy about how we look on video. We are not movie stars, BUT that’s why I love all of us so much, because we are REAL, just as we are, our imperfect-perfect selves, and the way I teach is more than plain old writing exercises, they are exercises that help get us in touch with our deepest heart, heal, and move forward. I am honored and delighted to have you in the group.



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