The Experiment: Day 260 ~ Being A Mama And Grandmama Is What Means Most To Me In The World — And Other News Of The Day…

My darling daughter Rachel, grandson Lucas, and I at Lucas’s graduation from Middle School celebration lunch…

What an incredible day. It seems like just yesterday that I was present at Lucas’s birth. This morning he graduated from Middle School. We were all so proud. He won several awards and we were just beside ourselves with pride and joy. Lucas is the oldest of my four grandsons. Rachel is my second daughter and middle child (Jenny is my eldest and Aaron my youngest) and the only one of my children who lives here. I am so grateful that she is here and being able to be part of Lucas’s life as he grows up is something I cherish beyond words. Being a mother and a grandmother is truly the most important thing in my life.

This has been a day of joyous celebration, and I would like to just write that and leave it at that, but before I was even out of the house at 8:00 this morning to head to Rachel’s house there was very sad news on Public Radio. Chef Anthony Bourdain is dead, the second celebrity suicide in the news this week. I listened to the news report as I drove to Rachel’s house, stunned. Certainly it was sad to hear about Kate Spade’s suicide earlier in the week but I had no personal connection to her. For years I have watched and admired Anthony Bourdain and his suicide shocked me more. And, too, both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain had young daughters. This broke my heart. It hit home. In 2012 our family was touched by such a tragic occurrence when Rachel’s brother-in-law, a very sweet young man with an 18 month old baby girl, took his life. It was beyond devastating and the reverberations are still felt in our family. It was with this knowledge that my heart went out to the little girls and families left behind. And finally, and while I am gratefully not in this place any longer, I have been suicidal in my life. Through the grace of God with the help that I have had I have come through these times, I am no longer in that place, I look forward to my life, and celebrate it. But others have not been so fortunate.

I think about those who are gone not being able to see their grandchildren graduate from Middle School, not able to see their children grow up and have families of their own. The greatest joy in my life — and I don’t believe there is anything greater — is to see your children have their children, to watch them parent them, and grow as families. I am so proud of all three of my children, and their spouses, and my 4 young grandsons — Rachel’s Lucas, 14; Jenny’s Pierce, 6, and Silas, 3; and my own “baby,” Aaron, now 35, with his 2 year old baby Atlas. How tragic that Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, and all of the others that have ended their lives through their heartbreaking suicides will not be here to see their children grow up to have their own children, and experience all of the joy that it brings. My heart aches thinking about it.

And the statistics about how suicide is on the rise takes my breath away. And God help you if you say around me that these people were “selfish” in taking their lives. No one will ever know the excruciating pain that led those who took their own lives to do just that. I have had lifelong struggles with mental health, will deal with it all the days of my life, and, living in a world where mental health issues are misunderstood, where there isn’t the help that there should be, where terrible things are happening in the world because so many people go untreated, is one of the worst things that we are dealing with today. No one is untouched by this, every single country, and culture, and race around the world are dealing with this. God help us all if we don’t get this figured out.

For today, on this happy, beautiful day in our family, I am sorry to bring this up, but it is how the day started and there have been reverberations all through the week as suicide has been in the news. And for me, who has suffered, and struggled, for so many years, it is also a triumph to celebrate today with my family, and it brings, in sharp relief, the knowledge that each moment is so precious, and that we cannot, for one moment, not be vigilant about those around us. We are, each and every one of us, responsible for our loved ones, our family, our friends, our co-workers, and anyone we know who might be suffering and struggling. We cannot turn a blind eye. I don’t have all of the answers but if you can reach out, pass along information, call someone, do what you can, please do, and, in the end, if you lose someone to suicide do not blame yourself, or them. Pray that they have found peace and do whatever needs to be done to heal yourself. Get the help you need. The devastation and damage a suicide leaves on the ones left behind is immeasurable.

Tonight I am thankful for my family, that they are safe, and happy, and healthy, and well. I am thanking God, and I am praying that they may stay so. We are, none of us, without our struggles, our worries, we are human and we are alive on the planet at a time that is challenging in so many ways, but we are here, and we love each other, and I am grateful for this above all else. I pray that you, whoever and wherever you are, are okay, and if you are not that you get the help that you need. I am holding you in my heart and prayers tonight, wherever you are.

And, darling beautiful Lucas, you just so TOTALLY rock. I am prouder of you than any grandmother has ever been. Rock on young man. Rock on!

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 1-800-273-8255

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”


  1. Amen to that! Congratulations to Lucas!

  2. katya taylor says

    wow, the juxtaposition of your pride and celebration of Lucas, and the devastating suicide of someone famous that you felt you knew. thank you for speaking out about us all reaching out to help one another. and if the worst happens, not blaming ourselves or them. so much of life (and death) is a mystery. i too long to comfort the daughters left behind, who will be traumatized.. and who will help them through?

    We are having a healing cleansing rain, and poetically speaking i slip through the pane glass window and let the water douse me with its magical fountain… ah!

    much love to you xo ka

    • Yes Katya the juxtaposition of the two things stood out in sharp relief for me yesterday. After I got home from our celebration with Lucas I curled up with the pugs and went to sleep. One wants to make sense of these things but sometimes you just can’t. I watched one program after the next on CNN that were specials and tributes to Anthony Bourdain until 1:30 a.m. People are absolutely devastated by his loss. But then there are good and beautiful things happening in the world too like with my sweet grandson Lucas. Life goes on for the living and we must do the best we can. That’s all there is.

      One more week and Tom will be home, right? Enjoy your last week of solitude…

      M. xoxox

  3. Dear Maitri, You have a lovely daughter and Grandson! Congratulations to Lucas!
    My mother tried to commit suicide. It was such a devastating feeling. She didn’t succeed but to know she was that unhappy and wasn’t going to change was so hard. I am glad you didn’t do it or we would have missed knowing you and reading your wonderful blogs. Yes those poor daughters. I hope they can find some help. My ex neighbor’s brother committed suicide. He was an EMT with bad PTSD. He tried to find help but nothing worked. His sister is devastated, of course. So my heart and love go out to all these people.

    • Thank you dear Jean, I am so proud of my children and grandchildren and I love them so much…

      And yes this has been a week of shocking suicides and it’s a terrible thing but the one good thing to come out of it, I think, is that having two high profile people commit suicide in one week has brought so much attention to the issue maybe other lives will be saved. I hope so.

      And I’m so sorry about your mother, and your neighbor’s brother. So many families have these stories, and the heartbreak. And in my case there but for the grace of God might I have gone. Even a year ago when I was in bleak dark despair I wasn’t feeling suicidal but I was feeling hopeless, and wondering how I could go on. I am fortunate to have a good therapist and a daughter, Rachel, who is a psychologist and kept a close eye on me and was always here to look out for me and get me the help I needed. That I’m doing so much better today is nothing short of a miracle and I am deeply grateful,

      As I wrote to Katya above life goes on for the living, however, and we must do the best we can. I am doing my best and will continue to. I’m glad to have the opportunity to do just that…

  4. What a lovely picture of you all, many congratulations to Lucas! You must be so proud of your family.

    You’re right about the rise in suicide, it’s deeply shocking. I lost a dear friend to suicide two years ago. We’re left with the eternal question, “Why?” and no answers.

    • Thank you dear Jenny, I am very proud indeed.

      And yes, the rise in suicide is frightening. As I said to Jean above this past week, with two shocking high profile suicides, is heartbreaking. Perhaps some good will come out of it if that is possible in that it has brought much awareness to the issue. I hope that lives may be saved because of this increased awareness.

      And I’m sorry about your friend. That is so hard. And that Why? will haunt forever as it does in our family with our dear lost one. And there will be no answers. It’s so sad…

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