The Experiment: Day 215 ~ A Bird Singing In The Rain…

This morning was one of those days that it was hard to get up. It was really dark, and it was pouring. I hadn’t slept much last night, it was well after 3 when I finally fell asleep, I was up at 5, and again around 7:30. I had finally gone back to sleep but my body knew it was getting late. The pugs were waking up and getting restless. I have been using a sleep mask because it was recommended to black out the room and help me sleep and it does help some but not last night. I finally took off the sleep mask and looked at the clock. It was 10 to 10. I couldn’t believe it. We got up and started our day.

I don’t know about your dogs but when I opened the door in the studio out onto the deck — it was pouring — the pugs looked at me with a “Surely you jest.” look on their faces. I sighed and went into the kitchen to get their breakfast and Pugsley’s medication. I made coffee while they ate. We came back into the studio and I sat here, not depressed, but quiet. It was so dark. It was raining so hard. And then I heard it. On the darkest day in some time, with the rain coming down hard, somewhere just outside these windows a bird was singing. It was like a miracle. My heart lifted. It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, by Camus, “In the midst of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” On the hardest days I survive. And on this dark rainy day the bird did sing.

I sat here sipping coffee and I texted my dear friend and my daughter. They both texted me back. It made me feel less alone. My little pugs snuggled close and went back to sleep. Their snoring made me smile. I read comments that dear readers had left after yesterday’s blog post, amazing comments, they mean so much, and I answered them. And, while I searched for just the right picture to go with today’s blog post, I listened to several episodes of my favorite podcast that I listen to 5 mornings a week. “Murmurs of Mole,” by Miranda Morrison. I have listened to Miranda each morning these last few years and I love her dearly. Her podcasts sooth my soul. Finally there was a break in the rain and I got the pugs out to the potty. We’d just enough time for them to go and the rain started in again. I was so relieved to have gotten them out.

At noon I called my dear friend Jeff to check on him. He’s been going through a rough time. We talked for over 2 hours. While we talked I made scrambled eggs with a bit of cheese and crumbled bacon. We talked about everything under the sun. He is like a brother to me, he knows me better than anyone else on the face of this earth, he knows me in almost an eery way because if I am not okay the phone will ring and it will be him. “What’s wrong?” he will ask, and I am the same way with him. I believe we have been connected through lifetimes. I shared bits of the scrambled eggs with Pugsley and Delilah while Jeff and I talked. They have gone back to sleep under my big table here, the huge, over-sized, old pine Farmer’s Table.

My whole world is on this table. This is where I live. Books and notebooks and so many jars of pens and paintbrushes, art supplies, my vitamins, essential oils, and whatnots I can’t count them all. Every element of my life is right here and there are 3 dog beds under the table, around my feet. I sit here and my babies are right here with me. Often Delilah doesn’t even go in one of the beds. She crawls in under the quilt that is over my lap and nestles in by my feet. She is as close to me as she can get. These babies are part of me. We are settling into the reality that it is just the 3 of us now. It still feels wrong that Tanner isn’t here but we are adjusting, as one finally does, to his absence. I don’t cry much anymore, I just feel sad, and kind of lost. I sleep at night with a hand on each Pugsley and Delilah and I pray to God and the angels that these babies will be with me for some time to come. Many people have dogs and love them dearly but they go to work, have big lives in the outside world, go places and do things. I wake up with my dogs, they are part of nearly every move I make all day long, we nap together, sleep together at night, we are all of a piece. The loss of one was brutal, to lose either of the others at this point I could not bear. Oh God please let my babies live a nice long while with me. Please.

As I write this blog post the rain has let up. It is not sunny but it is lighter and the rain seems to have stopped for now but in the weather forecast it said “Chance of rain 100%” for today. It will rain more. I will get the little ones out again before it does, and hope that I can get them out before bed tonight.

Last night was so odd. I’ve been sleeping better at night the last few nights without taking anything, just using the sleep mask and listening to the news on my phone until I am falling asleep listening. Last night it was different. I turned off the news as I was falling asleep and then instantly woke up. I tried desperately to go to sleep. I turned the news back on hoping it would put me to sleep but it was an irritant. I checked my phone to see the comments here for yesterday’s post and was deeply touched by the last couple of comments that I hadn’t been able to answer before going to bed but in the middle of the night I was too tired to answer them. I don’t know what I was doing when sometime past 3 I finally fell asleep. I am hoping that tonight is a better night.

I am watching a squirrel leap through the air and land flashing his tail across from the feeders. The birds are singing again. I think I will read for awhile. I’m happy that I have begun reading again and take time away from the computer each afternoon to read and rest a little with the pugs. I will be 64 in 6 days, I am wondering where the years have gone? I can’t seem to stop nibbling the skin off my top lip. It worries me. The grey sky is closing in again but the birds are still singing, they keep singing, just like one of my favorite poems by Emily Dickinson…

“Hope is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all …”

The bird is singing, it does not stop. It fills me with hope on this grey day. Life goes on.

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”


  1. I love the way you paint with words!
    Sorry for not commenting much these days, your struggles make me notice my deepest fear of not knowing how I could possibly live if Ben suddenly died. He is what keeps me on this side. I don’t want to go back into the dark pond of depression.
    Any way: the birds are still singing.
    Sending hugs and lots of love over the seas
    Yours Silke

    • Oh thank you so much dear Silke and I understand, I really do. It has been so hard to go on since losing Tanner, he was my baby man, the baby of the three at almost 9, but somehow the big man of them all. He stood apart, he was gentlemanly and mannerly, he was different. And now, having lost him, I am having to try really hard just to enjoy my other babies and not hang onto them for dear life afraid what will become of me if (when) the day comes that something happens to them. I understand so well. But we must live in love every moment that we have. Kiss them and hug them and celebrate our lives together. That’s what I am trying to do.

      And yes, the birds are singing. I hope you find happiness in your garden this spring. I am sending love to you back over the seas as well…

  2. Oh Maitri, I have been feeling somewhat the same with these grey, rainy days. And as Silke talked about her deepest fear is not knowing how she could live if Ben died. I don’t know if that is her dog or her husband. I don’t know how I would make it if my husband died. It scares me. I will turn 82 in a little over 2 weeks and it is bringing up fears of what is next. I don’t want to think this way, but it is hard not to. I don’t want this to be about me but your post activated my own fears. Hopefully when the sun starts shining again and we can get out we will feel better. We have a beautiful purple Iris blooming out front. I don’t know what other flowers will be popping up because this is our first year here.
    We went to the grocery store and a bird was singing away. I looked up and asked it please to sing the rain away.
    Sending you much love and hope you have some more good nights to get rested. Is there anything else you can listen to besides the news to go to sleep? An audio book or something?

    • Oh Jean honey yes these days can be hard, the overcast, dark, rainy days can weigh a body down. The sun came out a little bit later this afternoon and it was a relief.

      Ben is Silke’s dear, beautiful, beloved dog. He is her companion and dear love as my dogs are mine. And oh I cannot imagine the fear of losing one’s mate when you have been together a long time and age makes the time one has all the more uncertain. How do we cope with this and move through the days with any degree of peace and ease? And is it, as you said a few days ago, because we are coming up to another birthday? You put that so well. My birthday is this coming Monday, the 30th, and it has brought up all manner of things. I am hoping things ease up as the day comes and goes.

      But ah, the purple iris! And the other delights and surprises this, your first year, in this new garden. I hope you are blessed with many beautiful things growing there, and I hope the birds will be ever singing in our gardens, and that the sun will shine.

      And yes I have tried audio books, ambient sounds, streaming shows on Netflix I could nod off to. Different things work at different times. I hope this night will be a better night. The few before last night were pretty good. May our nights and days be gentle ones. And I am sending you love and a hug honey. And never ever fear about “making it about you.” That’s what these posts and the exchange between us afterward is all about, we share with each other, each to each. It’s not all about me, that’s not why I do it. Your feelings are welcome here, I will always answer you, and wish you well, and send you love. Always…

  3. you know i call my archival chapbooks “Singing Bird Press.” because of the chinese proverb: “If you keep a green bough in your heart, the singing bird will come.”

    Speaking of which, two darling wrens are “feathering” their nest in a little bird house we have up on a pole in one of my big pots (with a camellia plant), right outside my study window. i love how male and female just keep darting in to check on their instinctual creation. they whiz by my window, then back to the birdhouse. I love to watch them!

    Love hugs and bird songs to you


    • Oh yes Katya, I had forgotten that you call your small press Singing Bird Press. So lovely, and I love the Chinese proverb. How perfect!

      And oh, to see the little wrens making their nest so close by. What a delight for you! I have a lot of birds here at the feeders but then they swoop up and out to the trees and I can’t see where they are nesting. What a delight it would be to see the wee babies. I hope you get to see the little ones, at least you should be able to when they fledge. Exciting times ahead.

      And yes, love, hugs, and bird songs to you too dear sister, always and always…

      M. xoxox

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