The Experiment: Day 152 ~ Put It Where You Can See It — More On The Power Of Vision Boards (And a nod to the man who inspired me to do this today.)…

I spent the afternoon creating a vision board so powerful for me and where I am right now, what I am creating, what I am calling into being, that I had to play with the image I was sharing so it was not really clear. It is simply too private to share it all. But by the same token it is too powerful not to. And I did it using the two programs that you can get for free online that I have used nearly daily for years, (For PC’s) and BeFunky. They are fabulous tools. You don’t need fancy expensive programs like Photoshop, there are an amazing array of free programs out there for you to use and it’s silly to spend a lot of money buying expensive programs. I say use what works, is easy, and free. These work for me.

Long ago I was a passionate letter writer who eschewed e-mail and all things internet. I was one of the last people I knew to stop writing real letters — one of my dear friends still does and she puts me to shame — but when I, somewhat grudgingly, found my way online I was amazed at what you could do and quickly fell in love with it all. Now I still use pretty basic things when there are so many complex programs with tons of bells and whistles that people seem happy to pay a lot of money for. But with a few basic tools you can create whole new worlds. And making vision boards is incredibly easy and fun. I had a ball doing this today, and when I was finished I made it my desktop background as well as having printed it out and I have it right here in front of me. The power of a vision board comes in seeing it frequently throughout the day, repeating affirmations often, and believing, wholeheartedly, in what you are projecting to the universe.

The last vision board that I shared was just not me. Too blocky and simple. With this one I put together all of the images for all of the areas of my life that I am either envisioning or affirming, and then I added text. The internet has an endless supply of fabulous images you can use and if you are not using them in a way that would infringe on copyright you can use anything, I mean we are just doing this for our personal use, these vision boards we are not creating for other people to see or use.

I have been formulating this one in my mind for awhile. And then today I watched a touching video by someone I really admire on youtube. He is actually quite charming and down to earth and kind of an old southern homeboy. His name is “Butter Bob Briggs,” and he has a number of keto videos but his famous one is “Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off.” His videos are really good. They went for 3 years frequently and then in 2016 they almost stopped completely when he lost his grandson tragically. He has made very few since then. This video, “How to Gain Confidence & Remove Doubt” I admit to have overlooked for some time but today I watched it. It’s only 12 minutes, and the simplicity is touching and heartfelt, and he talks about prayer which isn’t for everyone but as he says even if you are not religious using images is a powerful tool and something that worked like magic for him. What he talks about is not all new agey and modern like most of what we hear when we hear about vision boards and that made it all the more special for me. I have to add one little note because it is so connected to what I have talked so much about and it really moved me. It is about the power of diet in healing mental illness. He wrote about it because of his late wife. “For Someone’s Sheila – Nutrition and Mental Illness.” Anyway, inspired by “Butter Bob” I set out to create a vision board that I plan to use daily, I am even making a little book, an eBook, because I truly believe that we can create our own reality. I’ve done a lot of writing in my life. This little book is just for me.

The vision board I created has elements you would expect, my health, my family and beloved animal companions, my work, my home, the gardens I hope to one day create again, but it goes deeper, it embraces beliefs I have either previously discounted or never fully understood. And when I was finished I was actually surprised at all I put out there, and kind of tickled, and a little shy — hence the way I presented the imagery above — but I knew I had finally hit on something special and presented it, for myself, in a way that I would want to live with and work with each day.

We each find our own way inspired by that which sparks something within us, wakes us up, makes us sit up and take notice, or perhaps just makes us care enough to pay attention. Today I paid attention, I created a vision board that I am happy with and it’s honestly taken me years of trying to come up with something that I feel this deeply about. I share what I have created with you in the hopes that it might inspire you to find your own way. There is no one right way of course, only the way that works for us. I can’t wait to see how it unfolds in my life. It is definitely another important step in my journey…

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”


  1. this reminds me a bit of the “visual journal entry” collages i do, in which i create and join together images of what i seek or want to manifest or ways to spark transformation. i have many collages collected, and each one is a mirror of my mind and heart at that juncture. there are, as you say, many different ways to use images to evolve and to
    focus on what we want to bring into being.

    i love seeing you work your way forward into bliss, my dear maitri. the bliss of being at the controls of your own life. of MAKING your life fit you. carry on!


    • Thank you so much darling Ka, it’s so good to see you here. I needed to see a friend this morning and here you are and it means more to me than I know how to say.

      It was a wonderful exercise, piecing it all together, finding the words, the quotes, the directives for this time in my life. And of course you know this all so well. Thank you for being here with me this morning Ka, again, it just means so much…


      M. xoxox

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