The Experiment: Day 147 ~ Because Sometimes You’ve Just Got To Smile, For Godsakes…

From one of my all-time favorite shows, “The Two Fat Ladies,” from 1996-1999. And I wish I had a better picture, this is from an amazon book, all the great ones are copyrighted of course. Click the picture to see the book and other books and videos from the show…

Okay, this was a very hard day to write a blog post, given the news. I watched the news until midnight on my phone, I don’t have t.v., and my heart, like everyone else’s, is so broken over the school shooting in Florida I barely knew what to say here today. To not say anything would be wrong, and to try to say anything of value would be near impossible. I am praying, I am agonizing over what I might be able to do to help with this terrible situation in our country regarding gun control, but for better or for worse this blog is not a political blog, it is not my area of expertise, never has been, and won’t be now. But trust me, I have a daughter that is a school teacher and my first of four grandson’s will start highschool next year. I am terrified. Whatever I can do in my own small way I will do, but not here.

After a day of agonizing over it all, and watching TedTalks on related subject matters, and thinking I should try to write a very serious post I was just dragging to the ground. And then I wrote to a friend on Facebook, he had shared that an old show I had loved was now streaming on Netflix, and all of a sudden The Two Fat Ladies just popped into my mind and I burst out laughing. It was such a relief. And no, I didn’t for one moment forget about the shooting, but really, in order to take care of my mental health, which is something I must be vigilant about, I just had to shift gears, and I thought others might need a break, something to smile about, even for a little while.

So I went to youtube where many of the old shows are on video. I used to have the complete set of video tapes from the whole series, 4 seasons, but I have long-since lost them in the fire and don’t have a VCR player as most people don’t these days. Here is the youtube video I sent my friend on Facebook, and really, at least click on it and watch the first couple of minutes. The intro. will kill you. You’ll be hooked!

Now, we’re all just too damned serious about food, me included! Ha! Forget keto and every other diet on the planet. This is pure entertainment. Of course the fact that they cooked in lots of lard and butter is right up a keto person’s alley! But God help us all they cooked using ingredients I’ve never seen in a store in my life! They were in the UK, they are both deceased now, and I just loved them all to bits. They make you laugh, they make you hungry, sometimes they shock you, they are bawdy and ballsy and just a delight. In 1999, having just left my marriage and being so lost and depressed I didn’t know what to do with myself, I would watch these two cook in different places all over the UK, the scenery was fabulous, I watched the intro over and over singing with it as Jennifer drove her Triumph Thunderbird motorbike and Clarissa rode in the sidecar, and, well, they saved me. I’m going to watch them again. I need this kind of utter delight in my life right now. You might too!

Here’s where you can find lots of their videos on youtube. I can live vicariously through these videos to enjoy all the things I don’t eat anymore (And a great deal I never have and never would! Lord have mercy in the show where they went and bought a monkfish to cook I nearly fainted at the sight of it!) but we’ve got to have some fun, we’ve got to laugh, and we’ve got to try to keep our spirits up so that we can keep on keeping on in the face of it all. Tomorrow I will fight the good fight again but God help me tonight I needed these ladies…

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”


  1. Maitri, please don’t fret about what to write for us. I, for one, am always content with what you write or share on this blog. I want you to be comfortable and at ease and not stressing about us. I follow your blog because you write and share interesting things. Hugs, Memarge

    • Thank you so much darling Marge, and it means so much to me that you are here, and I love that you come in and say hello sometimes. It means a lot to me to know you’re here. I hope you have a beautiful and blessed day… 🙂

  2. Same here: you Writer, we Reader 🙂
    I love every single one of your blogpost, even if I don’t comment every day.
    Thank you for being here. Will check in on the Two Fat Ladies later!
    Love, Silke

    • Good morning Silke love! I am so glad you are there, dear reader.

      I can’t wait to hear what you think of the Two Fat Ladies, they are so much fun! I mean you can’t stay down when you watch them. What a hoot they were. I can’t imagine eating MOST of what they cooked but I sure had fun watching them cook it! Most of it was too lavish and highbrow for me, they cooked for Queens! But oh what fun. I think I’ll watch a little now with my morning coffee. A great way to set forth into the day! 😀



      • They are great!! But what they were cooking – yikes, ugh mostly, to me.
        But their comments were so funny. Thank you for sharing!

        • Right! Ha ha ha, as I said Silke, I wouldn’t eat almost anything they made but I LOVED watching them make it! I just loved watching them in general! Somebody on FB told me that they brought the show back with 2 new people but nope, no way, Jennifer and Clarissa MADE that show, it was THEM you wanted to watch and they were fabulous. I don’t want to see someone else trying to copy them. Uh-uh.

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