The Days, The Hours, The Moments: Day 95 ~ Look Who Came Home With Me Today!

Meeting Molly…

What a difference a day makes…

Yesterday I wrote about the fact that I had inquired about a chihuahua mix. By the time the rescue got back to me she had already been adopted. I was sad but spent a couple of hours searching online, every rescue in town, the Humane Society, everywhere, and almost to a dog they were all big dogs except a couple of sweet seniors and I really wanted a younger dog this time. Then I did something I rarely do. I looked on Craigslist because often rescues post dogs they have there. It wasn’t a rescue but it was an ad for a little chihuahua who needed a home. I read the ad and was impressed. I contacted them and the lady got right back to me. She was very nice and we arranged that I would come and meet the little one about noon.

How could you not love this face?

Interestingly yesterday I posted on Facebook asking people to share their thoughts with me about chihuahuas. I got tons of responses, photos, and more, and the thing is half or more people wrote how much they loved them, that they were the best dogs ever! Others wrote warning me against them, saying chihuahuas were yippy, nippy, nasty, mean little dogs that barked a lot. I called my vet’s office. She said she thought they were great dogs and mostly issues with them came from breeding or their background or whatever they may have been through before they came into rescue. She said it just depends on the individual dog. I asked the lady this morning a few questions and she said she had none of those negative qualities and was a real love and I could see for myself. And I did. And I just fell in love with her on sight.

She did not bark, growl, shake, get yippy, or nippy, or anything. She snuggled right up to me and was so sweet and loving I was instantly smitten. We snuggled and cuddled. And these people did not want an adoption or rehoming fee, they just wanted her to have a loving home, and were only not keeping her because their other dog wouldn’t accept her, there were more and more dog fights that were escalating, and they wanted her to be safe. They said she would do best in a home without other dogs or small children. I assured her I had neither.

When all was said and done I could not believe everything they sent me home with. They loaded into my car a really nice crate for inside the house for the rare time I have to leave, 3 beds, blankets, toys, food, treats and more. I couldn’t believe everything they gave me and the lady was very sad to see her go but she said she was so glad that I called. She had already turned down other people who didn’t sound right. She said I was exactly what she was looking for. And so Molly and I got in the car and headed home.

She was great in the crate and rode home like a dream…

When we got home I carried her in and we went outside for her first walk in her new yard. She loved it, did really well walking in her harness and leash and seemed to just take everything in stride.

Molly discovers her new yard…

I gave her a treat and carried all of her things in from the car arranging it here and there and putting one blanket and bed in the wash as the lady had suggested. I gave her one of our big soft fluffy blankets that Pugsley used to love and she went right to sleep on it.

Snuggly sleeping girl…

But she likes being up in the chair with Mama best of all and Mama likes that too. It is like she has been here forever. She is so happy and sweet and loving and quiet. She is not yippy, nippy, yappy, barky, or mean. They told me if it didn’t work out I could bring her back but I don’t believe that could possibly happen. She’s home, and I couldn’t be happier. I think this was meant to be.

Snuggled in chair with Mama, just where she should be…
… absolutely blissy!


  1. Oh wow Maitri, I’m so happy for you and Molly! She’s such a pretty girl and she looks right at home with you. I’m praying with every bit of me that this works out just fine. Sending you both lots of love and hugs! xxx

  2. Candy Beck says

    I cannot tell you the joy this brings me. Since Pugsley passed over I have been so anxious for you to find just the right baby. I do believe Molly is that baby. My heart is with you both tonight. Sending love and hugs to you both.

    • Thank you so much Candy. I will never get over losing my pug babies and it was really hard for me not to stay with pugs but the time had come, I had adopted 11 over the years and I had loved and lost too many. 3 in this last year nearly did me in. It feels like a fresh start rather than that I was trying to replace my lost babies. It feels right. And how is your baby?

  3. Kim Orcutt says

    So sweet. She sounds perfect for you and you are perfect for her. I am so happy for you!

  4. Myra Rubinstein says

    So happy for you!!!

  5. What a scrumptious love story! πŸ’•

  6. She seems perfect, Maitri! What a little love…

  7. She looks perfect, Maitri β€” I love that photo of her with Pugsley’s blanket.

    Woody was on the former bed of a dog that the previous owner of our Quebec house had and loved (in that photo I added to a comment to you on FB recently) -lovely to have our dogs share that continuity.

    P.S. We found Woody as a three-year old on Craigs list, from Greeneville, Tennessee β€” odd, but it all worked out.

    • Thank you Lisa honey and I’m so glad things worked out with finding Woody on Craigslist. I had always been leery of going that route, all of my pugs were adopted through an official rescue, but these people were really lovely and didn’t want anything and gave me so much for her, they seemed very dear and like they just wanted her to have a good home. And she is snuggled all in here with me now. It feels very sweet indeed…

  8. katya taylor says

    Dare i say “All’s well that end’s well”???? what a saga of love, loss, love, loss, love!
    she is a darling, anyone can see that… i wonder what besides chihuahua she is? didn’t you say she was a mixed breed? how incredible that the woman who couldn’t keep her was waiting for YOU, not the others who had come to look at molly, because she KNEW you were this little girl’s guardian angel. She is just the right size, and her fur is beautiful.

    We are all breathing a sigh of hopeful relief, maitri dear. May Molly and you live very happily together for years to come

    • Thank you Katya honey and the chihuahua mix was the little girl I had tried to get information about yesterday but found out this morning had already been adopted. Molly is a fullbred chihuahua I’m pretty sure!

      I hope all goes well. I will feel better after I’ve had her checked out by my vet and then it will all seem official. But it feels right and I already love her so much, she’s just a little dollbaby, all snuggled in here with me always. Perfect!

  9. When you know, you know. Every dog, like every person, is an individual. They may or may not have typical characteristics of their breed. It looks and sounds like she was loved and that she is a good match for you. You have such a big heart and so much love to give…this girl was just waiting for you to find her. Craigslist isn’t always bad…that is how John found his present job and it has been a goid fit. If something is meant to be, it will be.

    • Thank you Karrie, and you know it’s so funny. When I wrote in to FB yesterday and asked people to tell me what they thought and felt about chihuahuas some people loved them madly and others said not to get one, I think I said all of this in the above post. But she is a quiet little girl, super sweet, super loving, snuggly and cuddly, I couldn’t ask for a better, sweeter dog. It does feel like a good fit. May it be so…

  10. Hurray! Happy dance!

  11. The photos make me teary. She is home. You are home. What a beautiful end to one story and start of another.

    • Thank you dear Cathryn, she is truly the dearest, sweetest little thing. I can’t quite believe it’s happening, but she needed a home and I needed her. I think it is a perfect fit!

  12. Brandi Mahurin says

    Molly is precious,so happy for you both. I have a little Chi named Houdini, Houdi for short. He’s sweet and not yippy or nippy either. He’s my best bud.

  13. I just love Molly’s coming home story! Thank you for sharing. Looks like it was fate for the two of you to be best friends and share your lives. I have a sweet chihuahua too, I wouldn’t have chosen a chihuahua as I had heard all the negative about them also, but she fell into my life as an abused broken pup that needed me and I soon found that I needed her also. She is now my heart dog that yips at every moving thing and snips at everyone but me, she just has such serious trust issues after the abuse that I cannot blame her. I have grown to love her protective nature and her yips too. Cheers to sweet chihuahuas!

    • Thank you so much Tammy, she is surely my angel and I adore her, and I’m so happy that you found your little baby too. They are such precious little souls. We are so blessed, both of us…

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