The Days, The Hours, The Moments: Day 55 ~ All I Want Is A Cup Of Tea…

I am feeling so unwell in this moment I can only dream of a cup of tea. I am laying back in my recliner with my leg up as I’m supposed to as much as possible right now and my stomach is feeling kind of dreadful. And though I once had a blog called Tea Mind, Be Kind over a dozen years ago I have seldom had tea in years. I am a coffee person. But right now I am longing for a cup of tea and I just can’t get up to make it.

I had a lovely day yesterday and it’s not a bad day today except that I don’t feel well. The overhead light is off, Pugsley is snuggled in asleep beside me, and as soon as I put up this brief post I am going to close my eyes and go to sleep. It is that kind of day.

I hope you are having a lovely day. Me, I am longing for a cup of tea. I hope I can make one later, in fact I doubt I will even eat anything for the rest of the day. That is okay too. When I’m up to it I will take Pugsley out again, feed him, make tea, and sit back here in our big chair and stitch a little and watch a movie, some kind of old favorite, something that is comforting.

For now I will close my eyes and dream of tea. There is nothing else today but this.


  1. Katya Taylor says

    I like the simplicity of this. tho i am sorry you aren’t feeling well. i WISH i liked tea. i like the IDEA of tea. I like the ritualistic Japanese tea ceremony. I like imagining “tea for two” with scones or little watercress or cucumber sandwiches. I especially remember my mom who loved Constant Comment tea (my grandfather jokingly called it “Always Talking”)
    She kept a concentrate in a tiny ceramic tea pot in her frig, and would make a cup in the afternoon by adding hot water. I have a box of Constant Comment in her cupboard as a nostalgic nod to Mom.
    I hope later you can indulge in a warming cup of scented tea – chamomile is good for the tummy as you know… but maybe you prefer something more exotic…. xo ka

    • Thank you honey, and I’m feeling a little better this evening. I had some lemon ginger tea which is good for digestion and helped my stomach. I took Pugsley out and fed him and even had a little bite myself. Now I’ve made a fire in the fireplace.

      I, too, have many friends who are really into tea, but though I almost always only have one big mug of coffee in the morning I am more of a coffee person, but there was a time the tea ceremony was part of my life and it was lovely. Ah, those days are long gone, but when I feel off sometimes a cup of tea is just right. And oh gracious when I was a newlywed I loved Constant Comment tea too. Ha! I laughed over your grandfather calling it “Always Talking.” 😀

      Now the fire is popping and crackling and all is well. Soon I will take up my stitching. I wish you and I could sit together in front of a fire and stitch and talk. I will imagine that anyway…

      M. xoxox

  2. katya Taylor says

    in MY cupboard! xo editor

  3. Trece Wyman says

    Dear Maitri, I am so srry that you are unwell. I was there yesterday. I am hoping I’ll stay okay. Hope you can get your tea!! Prayers always.

    • Thank you dear Trece. I did finally get my tea, a lovely lemon ginger, and it helped. I’m sorry you were feeling poorly, I hope you stay feeling better too. And thank you for the prayers, that means so much…

  4. Tea…ahhhh, the comfort. I, too, am a coffee person, but I am sending you a pot of virtual tea, along with hugs and love.

    • Thank you dear Cathryn, I did finally get a cup of tea and it was lovely. And I’ll take the hugs and the love and send them back to you… 🙂

  5. So glad you’re feeling better now. Sending hugs and good energy.

  6. Victoria SkyDancer says

    I would be one of those Tea friends of yours 😉
    Right now I’m loving on black Chai Tea in the morning, with some stevia and a splash of coconut milk. Himself drinks tea now and again, and introduced the whole splash of milk in the tea idea.
    It’s funny y’all mention “Constant Comment,” as the Queen Mother swore by that tea for years. Her taste buds finally grew tired of it, so now she drinks a cinnamon tea in the morning, two spoons of sugar, no milk.
    There’s absolutely nothing like sun-brewed iced tea in the summer. I haven’t made any the last few years, but I plan to restart next summer.
    Love me some lemon ginger tea too, even when my tummy is just fine. I have my favorites and I know what I like. 🙂

    • Ah Victoria you make me want to drink more tea! And I ordered what I think will be a nice chai a few months ago and have never made it but want to try! And oh yes, when my kids were growing up we made sun tea year round and there was “a thing” that was all the rage for a number of years that we loved, “RZOJ” which was Red Zinger tea (Celestial Seasonings which we used to have a house full of!) + Orange Juice. It was really good. I no longer drink fruit juices but that was lovely iced. And isn’t lemon ginger tea lovely? It’s one of my favorites, mine is a yogi tea, I have and love several of their teas, they have a tangerine tea that I like a lot too… 🙂

  7. Dear Maitri, I hope you feel better soon. Now I have a desire for tea but I’m not going to give in to it because I like a lot of sugar in my tea. I hope you get to have your tea soon. Sending angel blessings and healing to you.

    Love, Jean

    • Thank you Jean, I am feeling better this evening. And I use Monk Fruit Sweetener in my tea, it’s made by a company called Lakanto. They make a number of amazing non-sugar natural sweeteners that I use for keto, it’s what I put in my coffee and we use it in keto baking too. I get it from amazon or sometimes directly from the company when they have huge sales.

      And thank you for the angel blessings, I love that… 🙂

  8. I loooove Darjeeling. and I also like Verveine. Constant Comment is good as is Lemon Zinger, etc. I love them! But I also love coffee!!!

    • Me too Marge, mainly coffee which I’m having now but teas are perfect sometimes. And I’ve never heard of Verveine? I’ll have to look that up!

  9. Hi, Maitri,
    I am so behind in responding, but I see you were feeling better last night. I am glad. We just bought some amazing teas at a little tea and spice shop the other day. I have not had a cup yet but I so look forward to it. I hope today is a better day. Much love to you! 💕

    • Oh Maggie honey no worries. Since this thing came up with my leg I can barely get my own blog posts up nevermind reponding on others and I’m so sorry. I read your posts when I get the email and love them but I just can’t do it on my old laptop. But know that I am reading and loving them.

      I hope you enjoy your new teas! 🙂

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