The Days, The Hours, The Moments: Day 244 ~ “Doing Dishes With Friends” Complete, A Long, Long Journey…

“Doing Dishes With Friends”

(On a PC if you right click and then click on β€œOpen in a new tab” you can see this drawing large sized to view it better. On a Mac, control, click.)

Gracious me, it is nearly 11 p.m. Saturday night and I just finished this painting. It is so late and I am so tired that no matter how many times I tried to photograph it I couldn’t get it straight, sigh, but I will soon be taking all of the paintings to a printer to be scanned so I have full straight perfectly aligned images. This is the 20th painting completed. 5 more to go and I will have my book. The 25 large paintings and the 30 small images I will be doing in the Inktober challenge and then I will put the images together with the story. The time is drawing nigh…

This painting has been quite a journey and these last days have been very intense painting days to the point that when I finished this painting, less than an hour ago, I didn’t even know what I was looking at any more. When I get up in the morning I will be able to “see” it. It’s hard to explain but when I am drawing the pencil drawing that comes first I am writing a story. When I am painting, especially with so many small details, I am so into a tiny little piece of the picture, doing my best to bring it to life, I am living, for hours on end, in miniscule little spaces at a time. The micro, rather than the macro. It kind of skews your whole relationship to your body and life all around you. I may be painting a tiny little salt shaker and in that moment that’s all that exists in the world. In those moments I am in a time out of time place. I am living in parallel worlds and somehow it helps me balance the 2 sides of myself that can be out of sync when my bipolary bits and parts and pieces come apart. Painting makes me whole again.

When I finished painting I actually thought it was Sunday night. I am so absolutely exhausted I’m afraid I’m not making a lot of sense here but I wanted to get the post up since I didn’t yesterday. Painting leads the way right now, so if the blog posts miss a day or two I will try to make it up on the weekend like this.

Now I am off to sleep with my tiny Molly. Maisy’s Daisy is handing her a dishcloth, wee Cornelius is sitting on top of Trudy Louise, the new kitten who has become his best friend, Wanda the Rainbow, Ex-Showgirl Snail is watching from the windowsill, and poor Petunia, the mentally challenged flamingo, just wouldn’t fit in the picture. I tried to do this drawing twice and if Petunia was in the picture she would block too many other things. I like to think Petunia is in the parlor doing her nails!

I hope you are all having a lovely evening. I love you all dearly. See you again on Monday!

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  1. Victoria SkyDancer says

    I forgot to mention earlier that Maisie is rocking the Princess Leia hairdo in the painting.
    It’s winding down early in my neck of the woods. Himself is out like a light, and I will join him shortly, once the Queen Mother has been tucked in. The cats aren’t quite sure what to make of it all.
    May your Sunday be easy and the week ahead be glorious. I might just join Inktober with you and get my doodle on. πŸ™‚

    • Oh how fun Victoria! I’d love for you to do it too. Go to the link and you can see the rules. Easy peasy, and as they say there if everyday is too much you can do it every other day or once a week. You do you! πŸ˜€

  2. Please rest up. Your painting is lovely and it DOES look like so much work. I am glad you are pleased with your work. That makes me happy. God’s blessing upon you, my dear. Memarge:)

  3. Amazing work, rich in colour, pattern and texture and telling a very special story. Cornelius and Trudy Louise make me smile and Wanda is just beautiful! What a great idea to paint small images for your book as part of the Inktober challenge, I look forward to seeing them all. xxx

    • Thank you so much Jenny. πŸ™‚ Inktober is fun and a perfect way to get the small work done for Maisie’s book. And I will look forward to sharing them!

  4. katya taylor says

    Wow, the detail is scrumptious but somehow all the color and “commotion” doesn’t overwhelm the eye. This is a true knack! you are creating worlds within worlds, and each of us can enter any part of the painting and find treasure.


    • Thank you so much dear Ka, and what you say is exactly what I’m aiming for, and why I want this to be a book more about the reader absorbing the images, taking time with them (you have to or you miss A LOT!), than being text heavy. Certainly there will be text, but the story is in the pictures. I so appreciate your love and support honey… <3

  5. Absolutely phenomenal, dear Maitri. You are creating a world no one will want to leave once they have entered.

    • Thank you so much dear Cathryn, your kind words mean so much to me, and I don’t want to leave Maisie’s World either! πŸ˜€

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