The Days, The Hours, The Moments: Day 202 ~ I Am Sitting Here With You, In This Moment, Holding The Space For All Of Us…

This is Molly and I, keeping it real. She looks gorgeous as she always does. I look tired and my “Bell’s Palsy Side” is drooping in a most unflattering way, but, oh well, this is who I am. Super tired, full of love, and I just can’t keep kissing this girl. I’ve kissed her nose so much I’m surprised it hasn’t fallen off! (I am a shameless nose kisser and my last 11 dogs were pugs whom I loved more than life, but, ahem, there wasn’t much of a nose there to be kissed! Molly has born the brunt of that, but she doesn’t seem to mind!) She is snuggled into my lap now, it is 5:43 and Rachel will be here at 6 and I have to cook dinner. Yikes!

This day has FLOWN by. We got up later than usual, after 10. (I like to be up between 8 and 9.) and then, when I walked her, I saw that even though I had watered thoroughly the evening before last things, especially the small pots, were getting too dry. It has just been hellacious hot here! So after I walked Molly and before I even made coffee I watered the whole garden which took almost an hour. I came in and rushed around, feeding Molly, getting the birds up and feeding them, making coffee. When I finally sat down here with my coffee I had one blessed hour to sip it and go over a few things before I had to be in the shower getting ready for therapy.

I got home from therapy sometime after 3, had eaten nothing so ate a small bowl of Greek yogurt with blackberries, and then SET TO cleaning up the kitchen. I’m embarrassed to admit that Rachel comes once a week, on Wednesday, and the last two weeks the only time I did the dishes was the next Wednesday afternoon before she arrived! I have been LIVING in the potting shed and garden! I finally got everything all cleaned up and the dishwasher going and then there was trash and recycling to be taken out, a bunch of plants in the potting shed to be watered, and finally I sat down here and answered the kind people who responded to yesterday’s post. I usually try to get that done over morning coffee because I love to take time to answer people but I will just say to my kind commenters that they will find an answer within 24 hours. I never know what is going to be happening when I wake up in the morning. This morning I had to get out there and water the garden really well because I had to be out this afternoon and Rachel was coming this evening.

It is now 5:59. She is due at 6! Usually I have dinner almost ready when she walks in the door. Not tonight! Oy! What a day! A good day but a super busy day. It is 6 now, I am sitting here rushing to finish this but happy, holding the space for all of us to be who we are, where we are, in whatever place we are and to accept and embrace and to celebrate whatever that happens to be! (And I will publish this but probably not send it out until after Rachel leaves between 9 and 10. I’m coming!)


  1. katya taylor says

    what did you and rachel end up having for dinner??? oh what a day you had! plants do take a lot of love and attention, but it is so worth it.
    i will be patient waiting for maisie and daisy’s next appearance! xo ka

    • Ah Ka I make the same thing every single week for Rachel and I have mentioned it many times here. Since she is a vegetarian and my diet is meat based on keto I came up with making her my special scrambled eggs with heavy cream, a lovely white cheddar that comes in a block that I grate, organic sliced mushrooms, and on the side organic asparagus, and a ripe avocado sliced on the side. And yes, Maisie and Daisy are very much with me but I’ve got to get the plants in first! And I’ve got so many planters I have been collecting over time but they will go in last after all the other main planting is finished. I am dreaming this garden into existence. It is such a delight!

      Love you honey,

      M. xoxox

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