The Days, The Hours, The Moments: Day 164 ~ A Quiet Friday Night…

Just a gentle, quiet Friday night…

It has been a good week. I’ve gotten a lot done, finished one new painting, am beginning to work on a new drawing, the weather has been unbelievably beautiful and things in my little pot garden are growing. And best of all my dear friend Maggie helped me with my web issues and pointed out that it would be best to contact my webhost and tell them my circumstances have changed, I am only using the site for blogging, and I talked to them for an hour and they not only helped me a lot but they looked at my account, saw that some things I’m paying for I don’t need so dropped my renewal fee by a good chunk and I am staying with them. Such a relief.

The thing is that this is a very large, long-running blog, 12 years long, and it is not so easy to go back to a free blog and move the whole existing blog, all the media files, and all the rest and not end up losing something. With the reduced fee I can manage it and I nearly cried with relief!

I woke up today much later than I usually do and moved very slowly throughout the day like I just couldn’t budge, but I did manage to get a number of things done. Late today it started raining really hard and you could feel it coming from morning on. It was dark and the air felt heavy and humid. Now it is an easy gentle rain on the roof and I love the sound of it.

I fed both Molly and myself, she went potty, I took a shower, got a load of laundry going, and we are snuggled up here in our chair. I will coast into the weekend having gentle quiet days, drawing and gardening. I will spend Easter alone as my family here is out of town, and gardening on Easter Sunday always seems like the perfect thing for me.

I wish that all of you who celebrate Easter have a lovely Easter weekend, and if you don’t I wish you a Happy Spring. As I said not long ago, these are the halcyon days, and I am at peace, I am happy.

Bless you all…


  1. I am glad you didn’t get a bad storm. We got over 5 inches of rain and lots of places are flooded. We are ok.

    Happy Easter to you and yours.

    • Oh Jean honey it’s so good to hear from you, I was just thinking yesterday that I hadn’t seen or heard from you in awhile and I was about to write and check on you! And isn’t the rain something? My friend Maggie lives somewhere near where you are and she said that there had been an unbelievable amount of rainfall. I’m glad you are okay.

      And Happy Easter to you and yours too dear Jean. Enjoy this beautiful Spring weekend… πŸ™‚

  2. katya taylor says

    tomorrow we are co-hosting a passover seder… focusing on moving out of oppression into liberation. for all the world;’s people.

    i’m so so glad to hear you could save your blog situation and not have to start over. you are so deserving of grace, my dear.

    i think sunday i too will be in my garden, thinking about resurrection and redemption and tending my flowers.


    • Darling Ka,

      Your seder sounds so lovely. I wish I could experience such a holy celebration. I have always been deeply touched by the Jewish faith and the way the days are held holy and celebrated. We all need more of that in our lives.

      And ah, I will blow you kisses on Easter as you work in your garden and I work in mine. These are the glory days, enjoy honey! And hug Tom and Alana for me! πŸ™‚

      M. xoxox

  3. Great to hear about your provider wanting you to stay their customer!
    I’m planning on planting some seeds this weekend, too. Just thought about the seed that had to die and be buried to come to life again and flourish.
    We had no rain for weeks and at night it’s still freezing, but I’m glad the sun is shining, even though the plants really need water.
    At night I’m still in so much pain that I need the sunlight to cheer me up.
    This late afternoon I will be attending service. The young folks at my church will have what they call “Night of Worship” (sic!) and I’m always touched and impressed by their services. They are between 13 and 20 years old and have such beautiful insights and messages. And songs that stay with me for weeks.
    Having no children of my own, I do love them dearly.
    So have a wonderful Easter with dear Molly, enjoy your garden, rain or sun, and the full moon of spring lighting up even our nights.
    Sending lots of love

    • Oh dear Silke, how good to hear from you, and it seems many of us will be planting in our gardens this weekend! I hope you get warmer temps soon and much needed rain for the garden. And the service you are attending sounds very very special.

      I hope you and dear Ben have a lovely weekend as well. Wee Molly is asleep here in my lap as I sip my morning coffee and it is such a beautiful day.

      Lots of love to you too dearheart…


  4. I’m so glad you’ve come to a happy solution about your blog, that’s a huge relief! You can relax and enjoy yourself now. All my washing is out on the line (like Maisie’s) and I’ve been sitting reading in the garden, listening to the birds. The full moon was amazing last night, it looked almost pink against the night sky. Have a beautiful Easter weekend, much love to you and Molly. xxx

    • Hello Darling Jenny! Yes, it is indeed a huge relief! This blog is my home and my heart, I was very worried about it but I knew it would work out one way or another and indeed it did. It sounds like you are having such a lovely day and yes, you and Maisie and the washing on the line! I love that! πŸ˜€ I hope that you, too, have a beautiful Easter weekend, such an incredible time this is. Much love to you…

  5. Donna Houghtalin says

    Hi dear Maitre
    Its been such a long year recovering from my spinal surgery!
    They said it would take a year or more, but I didn’t believe them. I believe them now!

    May 15 will be the one year mark, and I still have some days or nights when the pain is still overwhelming.

    I get so much joy from my 3 granddaughters! They mean the world to me! Maddie, our first ginger, is three and a half. She is so sweet and beautiful. Then there’s my Jane, who is two and one half, and smart as a whip! Lastly, there’s our 2nd gorgeous and so happy ginger, Hazel, who is almost nine months!

    I adore them all and they sure do keep my husband George and I busy! But we love it!

    You sound very peaceful. I am happy for you! I too will be planting on Easter in my peace garden. I’ve made a little peace garden or altar, where I’ve put all the favorite things I’ve found this year including a small statue of Buddha and one of St. Francis.

    I wish you and our friends a blessed Easter and a beautiful passover.
    God’s blessing on one and all!
    -Donna 🌷🌿🌷

    • Oh Donna! It’s so good to hear from you honey! I haven’t heard anything from you in so long and I know you had to go through that surgery and I worried about it but I had no idea it took this long to recover from and still terrible pain. I’m so sorry. I will hold you close, as always, in my heart and prayers that you will heal well and completely and soon.

      And oh the grandbabies! I have 4 grandsons and they are the light of my life. And gingers! I LOVE them but sadly those genes don’t run in our family. I think they are so precious. I’m so happy for you.

      Have a beautiful Easter and a Happy Spring and I love that several of us, here in the comments, have said we will be gardening on Easter! Isn’t that just perfect?

      Many blessings and much love to you and yours…


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