The Days Are Trickling By… Slowly … Gently…

This has been the best time for me. Slow, quiet, gentle. I am drifting through the days reading, thinking, studying. I am deeply into the study of the carnivore diet and I love it. I am doing the “Carnivore Keto” plan to start which, for me, means carnivore 5-6 days a week and Keto 1-2 days a week. I am thrilled and excited, and amazed at all the good science there is out there on this diet, and I have watched countless YouTube videos, have 4 different books on Carnivore that I am reading, am following countless wonderful websites, and am in 2 carnivore (“Zero Carb”) groups. The one on Facebook has over 28,000 members and is led by doctors, health care professionals, and long time carnivore people who have been carnivore at least 10-20-30 years up to “The Bear” who is in his 70’s, has been carnivore for 50 years and looks amazing. The other group I am in is a long running group with 108,000+ members on Reddit and it is amazing. They have answered many questions for me already. Though many people haven’t heard of this diet it is not new, it is the ancestral diet, and a lot of people have been doing it long term and are in the best health of their life. Keto is great and it has helped me and many others a lot but it doesn’t go far enough for a lot of people in correcting or reversing health markers. I am just delighted, and very much at peace, and relieved to have found it. I am not writing about this to try to convince anyone to do this, I am simply sharing what I am doing.

It is a remarkable winter, even for Wilmington which has mild winters. It has been in the 60’s and 70’s for most of December and January, and then suddenly, last week, it dropped to 30 for a couple of days. This week it is in the 40’s and 50’s. Everyone who lives in colder climes longs to have our 60 and 70 degree weather, but it is not a good thing this time of year. Winter serves many purposes. It kills off a great many insects and other things that are dreadful in our warm climate (The roaches are awful. They are usually killed off in winter. My daughter Rachel saw them on her porch last week!), and the plants need a good winter to go dormant. If it stays too warm and they don’t have a proper dormancy they won’t bloom well in the spring. So we watch and we wait and while not loving freezing temperatures ongoing dearly hope, as a gardener, that we get a proper amount of cold weather to provide the plants their dormant time.

I cut roses just yesterday…

And then… oh heavens … Saturday night was just bliss. I told my daughter about Inktober which I have done before and started in 2019 and she told her friend Brian, a family friend, who is also an amazing artist. I quit because I was so busy with Maisie I didn’t really have time for or need another art project, but oh my goodness, it brought Rachel back to her art. She did the most amazing work, as did Brian, and they had a beautiful art show in an amazing space Saturday night. And you see the thing is Rachel was an artist from very early on. She had her first one woman show at Barnes and Noble when she was 17 with big canvas paintings of hers all over the store. Her undergraduate degree was in art. But she began, in college, to work with children with autism and their families and decided to go back for her Master’s Degree in Psychology and she is now a licensed psychologist and has been working with children with autism for the better part of 20 years… and her art was lost somewhere along the way … and it made me sad. Inktober brought her back to her art and the work she did was just amazing! And her show was a huge success, lots of people came and she sold lots of paintings. I was bursting with pride, a proud mama indeed. This is Rachel and I in front of the painting she did of Molly and I which was not for sale but I love it dearly, she gave it to me for Christmas, and she wanted it in her show. I was delighted!

Photo credit Cyndee Cash-Shellhaas

And now it is a new week, the last week in January! Can it be? This week, on the 30th, my eldest daughter Jenny will be 43. She is a second grade teacher and has a lovely husband and 2 little boys, 4 and 7, but, but…. it was just “yesterday” that I gave birth to her. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Sigh. Wherever does the time go? Rachel turned 40 in December and has her sweet husband Jeremy and 15 year old son, Lucas, my darling grandson, and my “baby,” Aaron, is 36, he will be 37 in June, and he has a lovely wife and 3 year old son. Time goes rushing by at an alarming pace. We must sit down where we are, breathe, and inch along like an inchworm, moving as slowly as possible.

I am savoring this year, each and every day, every moment. It is the greatest gift that we have. We must use it wisely.

Take care dear friends. I’ll see you again soon. And I send you my love, always…


  1. Precious! She is so talented and, no doubt, she got it from you. Is there someplace online we can see her work?

    • Thank you so much Marge, and no, she doesn’t yet have an online presence with her art, just locally, but I’d love to see her do more! 🙂

  2. And you went out to be with her! It makes me really happy to see both of you so glowing and sparkling. Two artists at a vernissage, out in the world – great!

    • Thank you so much Silke honey. It is as you know hard for me to go out and I rarely do, but I wouldn’t have missed my girl’s special night for anything. I was just beaming with pride and happiness. It was a glorious night!

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