Sweet Home Blogger Award! Thank You So Much!

Many Gracious Thanks to the Lovely Lady Rose

for sending this award to all the creatures, great
and small, here at Dragonfly Cottage, including
me, their proud mother and humble servant….

It is an almost inconceivable task to narrow my choices down to five bloggers who contribute multitudes of love, joy, creativity and inspiration to one and all, but I shall do my best, and for all of those out there that I can’t list here, I love you all, and you know who you are from my frequent drops and ads on your marvelous sites! Here, then, are the five that I have care-fully chosen, and my love, thanks, and gratitude to each of you. My admiration for your blog, work, and life knows no bounds…

The Sewing Mom – Alright, this one was on Lady Rose’s list as well, but she is the very first one who came to my mind. Her site is so beautiful, the ambiance as well as the content. I am always awed by her continuing creativity, warmth, and talent. Just to look at her site lets a ray of sun flow out of the computer and into your day. Thank you so much dearheart for all that you have done, and all that you do.

Robin’s Woods – I know that I mentioned Robin’s blog as one of my favorites in the last round of awards, but I simply cannot tell you how deep my feelings run for this blog. It is so gentle, so beautiful, I have actually become dewy-eyed perusing this blog. It is an absolute must-see for everyone!

Random Ramblings – This blog has continually delighted me, intrigued me, even left me mesmerized at some of the wonderful photos and entries. I adore it and I hope you will all take time to see this wonderful blog. There are a variety of subjects here, but if you love gardening and animals, you’ll love it!

Nodin’s Nest – I love this blog so much. It is tender and sweet, lovely to look at, full of homespun thoughts, love and creativity. She has recently done a beautiful piece on the passing of Tasha Tudor, one of the greatest Muses of my life, whose passing was so painful for me I couldn’t even write about it. Lovely humor, motherly wisdom, beautiful art, and more. Don’t miss this one.

The Mom With Brownies – This blog had me at the beginning. With a simple “Cheap and Yummy Brownie Recipe” right in the heading of the blog, and a quote underneath it that says, “Dust if you must but I believe a house becomes a home only when you can write ‘I love you’ on the furniture.” Now there is a woman after my own heart! And as we homeschooled our children, now all adults and the pride of our lives, the homeschooling information on this blog is just wonderful. Do visit here and pick up a brownie or two while you’re there!

I thank all of these women from the bottom of my heart, and know that you, dear reader, will enjoy them as much as I have.

Blessings to one and all,
from our home to yours…

A very grateful Maitri


  1. Oh for goodness sake. Thank you so much. Now I have to narrow my favorites to 5 also. I know just how you felt. 🙂

    Thank you so much.
    Shelly M.
    The Mom With Brownies

  2. Oh Maitri, you are just so wonderful, it’s no wonder she chose you…how can anyone who comes to your blog and reads you not just fall in love with you and your wisdom? *smile*

  3. Wonderful choices, they are all good reads.

  4. Oh my goodness! I feel as if you’ve just wrapped your arms around me and given me a big hug! Thank you so much for such kind and warm words. Thanks to for the award, I’m very touched! 😀

  5. Congratulations! You obviously deserve it.

  6. Thank you so much Maitri! Kindred spirits are a rare and special find. As soon as I have a chance, I will follow up on this.

  7. this is a woderful blog..i’m glad entrecard brought me here 🙂

  8. Hi Maitri,

    You have a wonderful blog! I love the way you write 🙂 Now, I understand your fear of having ‘ads’ here.

    I’ll visit those you’ve given out awards. Have a pleasant weekend!


  9. Hi Maitri, visiting your blog brings such familiar feelings. You write with the same gentleness as my favorite author Maeve Binchy. 🙂

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