First "Maitri Love Basket" finished and up at etsy, and what I’m working on now…

You can click on the picture above to go to the etsy listing and see
more pictures of the finished product!

These baskets are very special to me, and as I said below, they are not named for me, but for the Buddhist teaching of maitri, loving-kindness and compassion, first for Self, and then for others. We cannot give from an empty cup.

I will be making a series of these, no two alike, but they take a long time to make and I will be making other things so that I alternate the kind of things I make for more diversity in the shop. There is a long entry below with the bag in process and a number of pictures of the making of the first bag in the series along the way.

Now I am working on my first “Spirit Vessel” which will be felted when I finish. Work is slow-going for me with the broken wrist, but at least with crochet I mainly just have to use my good hand. Thank God I didn’t break my right wrist!

Below is a picture of the first Spirit Vessel, the bottom, made of a yarn I handspun creating nubs along the way. I am using a handspun wool boucle up the sides, and in the picture you see one of my favorite crochet hooks, a gnome “Gulliver Hook” made by Noreen Crone-Findlay. These are the hooks I prefer and use and I have several and they are just magical!

So onwards and upwards I go. And where I go from here, I don’t even know!

Blessings to one and all,



  1. I love your blog. What a wonderful artist you are.

  2. I love your baskets because they are unique and so colorful. They are truley art!

  3. This is a beautiful blog-waves of goodwill and serenity are interwoven with beatiful thoughts, ideas and images.

  4. You have a very unique talent!

  5. those have such great texture!

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