"Circling The Wagons" ~ Fiberwomen Helping Fiberwomen ~ Here Is The Yarn I Donated, called "Candyland."

One of the things that I have been touched by for years and years is the kindness and generosity of the fiber community, and many times have I seen this unconditional loving kindness come into play, and it has touched my heart deeply. I felt it too, 3 years ago, when I fell down the stairs, shattered both feet and was laid up for a year. I was blessed by many women in my fiber community, Women’s Artistic Soul, as well as other fiber friends and they sent spindles, fiber, books, treats, and more. It made my painful recovery such a deep experience of loving gentleness and support that I shall be forever grateful. It made a very hard year a lesson in giving and loving, and I shall always want to be a part of this type of endeavor. Everyone knows that a portion of all of my fiber work goes to pug rescue, but I am deeply committed to helping other fiberwomen in grave need.

The Making of Candyland….

(on the spindle)

Candyland yarn off the spindle
in a beehive…

The Yarn rolled into a ball and ready
to go for ease of use…

The “Candyland” yarn is up for sale at
Homestead Wool and Gift Farm
in the section

called “Circling the Wagons”. It is 35 yards,
7 oz,
and on the page has a list of everything in
yarns, wools, silks, alpaca, llama and more…

If you would like to donate an item, or shop for an item to help Holly (You can read more about her situation on Sandy’s site.) click on the link above or in the sidebar with my dear nephews, Dalai Llama, and Cully!

And may the fiber community continue to be all that it is and may we all help one another as we can.

Warm Regards and Deepest Blessings to All,



  1. i just joined blogcatalog and found your blog. very inspirational. i’ll be linking it to mine and checking in often…

  2. I love the vibrant colors and textures of these fibres. A few years ago, my mom knit me a unique scarf. She interwove 3 different kinds of wools. This reminds me our creativity is only limited by our mind and ingenuity. Thanks for your heart-warming story.

  3. The colours of the spun yarn are very beautiful – just as they are!

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