The Experiment: Day 217 ~ Pugs and Roses…

The pugs and I just came in from a walk around the garden. The roses that I showed a few days ago are still blooming like mad, several other roses, slower to bloom, are in bud, and the climbing roses along the green gated garden are amazing. I didn’t even realize, in the tangle of rose vines that I cut back last year which took weeks, that it wasn’t just the pink rose that covered the fence but as it got near the end of the front side of the green gated garden a light, lemon yellow rose was growing down the rest of that side and around the front to the gate. It is so lovely I had to show you. And the pugs were there checking everything out as I took pictures.

Back inside for awhile I ate a light lunch, cleared up some things on my desk and then decided to go out and cut a bouquet of various roses around the yard that are in bloom. Isn’t it stunning? They are now in a vase on my kitchen counter.

A few days ago I cut a bouquet of my beloved Veilchenblau rose. They do not do well at all as cut roses for the house and faded by the next day. It is a sprawling rose and overnight has gone from one or two clusters of roses to the whole bush covered with them. I will have to enjoy them in situ…

Veilchenblau is incredibly fragrant, each cluster of roses a work of art changing colors each day as it opens more fully. It is an early spring rose and does not last long, I have to go out every day and visit it while it is here. It passes all too quickly.

This is the season for roses. It gets too hot for them in our blistering heat and high humidity and most of them fade away over the summer but many will come back in the fall. Veilchenblau is a “once bloomer” and blooms in the spring only. It is not remontant, something I usually look for in a rose because here though they don’t like summer’s heat a number of those that rebloom will bloom up to Christmas here with our mild winters.

I grow many kinds of flowers. My deck is filled with pots of flowers and the green gated garden is about to be seeded for late summer and fall bloom, but the roses have my heart in the garden, the pugs in the house. Pugs and roses are my loves, the pugs of course most of all. They are sleeping and snoring beside me just now, and we have a vase full of roses to remind us of our afternoon in the garden. It has been a beautiful day. There will be more…

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”