The Experiment: Day 213 ~ Ranunculus and Roses On A Trembly Morning (And Soaking Seeds and A Visit From A Little Woodpecker.)…

I’m not sure why mornings can be so difficult but as I sat here having my coffee I wrote on Facebook that it was a trembly morning and a number of friends wrote in to say that it had been so for them too, that mornings could be hard. As always the only thing for it, when I was just awake and beginning to get anxious, was to make myself get up, to go outside with the dogs, to get them their breakfast and make coffee, but once I had sat down with my coffee I was still uneasy. Finally I went outside again and ambled around the garden with the little ones. I cut a bouquet of Veilchenblau roses for the house and they looked so pretty between the yellow ranunculus and peach roses. They really lifted my spirits.

And my wee pugs were a lot of company as always…

My main garden work today will be planting seeds and little bulbs and corms. Last night I soaked several different types of seeds, and little anemone and ranunculus for planting. I am most excited about several pots on the front porch that will all be planted with moonflowers and blue and white morning glories to climb up the 4 pillars. The house is white brick and both the front door and garage door are sky blue. If they all come up as I hope they will it will be really beautiful in late summer and fall. Growing from seeds requires patience and produces magic. I also soaked other climbers for the deck. I will have all of these things planted before the day is done…

I am smiling now because just as I was sitting here writing the little female red-bellied woodpecker came to the feeder. In the early days I always only saw the male and he is stunning. She is smaller, and without the bright red cap, she is shy and it’s hard to catch her but I just happened to be able to snap a picture as she ate. I think they have babies now, I like to imagine a nest full of wee ones…

I just missed capturing a precious picture of a pair of mourning doves on the windowsill, and then a cardinal, and 2 squirrels flashed by. I frightened them off trying to angle for a shot, merely a foot or two away on the other side of the glass, but there they were, and there I was, a very sweet moment in time.

A single day holds so much. Even though I wake up anxious, and the hours may be hard, the day holds much beauty and exquisite little joys. And there was more, little secrets that I will hold close to my heart, we need those too.

It is getting dark and overcast but it is not supposed to rain. I may curl up with the pugs and watch a movie before going out to plant. Sometimes snuggle time with the babies is good medicine. And then I will plant what needs to be planted. It is Earth Day, a day for planting, and celebrating the birds and wild creatures. Cycles and seasons, birth and death in the natural world are all part of the whole. I lost my little Tanner but all around where he is buried, in the trees, are babies just born and little parents feeding them, seeds and bulbs and plants are planted and will one day be a glory, life goes on in myriad forms and so must we. And I am. I am making it through another day. All is well.

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”