The Experiment: Day 181 ~ Where In The World Did The Day Go?

Gracious me the day has flown by! Wednesdays are the only day I leave the house most weeks because I have therapy at 2 and since I’m out I do all of the other errands I need to do afterwards. Today I had a slew of them! I left the house at 1:30 for therapy and didn’t get home until almost 6:30! This is an especially long day out but I had a lot of errands. When I got home the pugs were positively frantic! I almost never leave them and am rarely out this long when I do go out. They were practically weeping with relief when I got in.

It took an hour to get them out, feed them, get all the groceries in and put away, get trash and recycling out and do all the I-just-got-home-from-doing-a-million-things-and-now-I-have-to-put-it-all-away things here. I have not eaten dinner yet, my back is aching so badly I am leaning up against my heating pad propped on a pillow with a shawl wrapped around me and a quilt over my lap, and I have an online meeting in a little over 20 minutes that will go until 10 SO I don’t have time for much of a blog post tonight but by golly I wasn’t going to miss getting one up!!! Tomorrow is the half way mark in this 365 day journey, I can’t believe it. There’s no stopping me now!

I took my sketchbook and planner with all the Ladies that have been popping up to show Helene at my therapy session and she was just delighted that they were back. She has seen a lot of them and read their stories and has always thought they were very special and loves them. She is cheering me on and wants to see me keep going with them this time. We talked a lot about that. I got to therapy a few minutes early and drew another Lady in my planner. They are making me so happy.

I will do a longer post tomorrow, I have some new things I am doing that I want to share with you but I must get this post up and get ready for my meeting. I hope you have all had a lovely day. I’d love to know what you are all up to. Leave me a note in the comments and I will answer you in the morning over coffee!

I am sending so much love to each of you, and a gentle warm hug. And Lordy, this heating pad feels good. I might just melt right into this chair…

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”