Because My Relationship To This Blog Is Changing BUT Because I Love It So Much, I Am Going To Share Things I Love & Want You To Know About…

Sweet Ones,
I have been struggling with what to do because I don’t want to NOT do this blog which is so much a part of me,  but I don’t have time just now to do long entries because I am really very deep into a book that is finally moving along beautifully — YAY!!! However…
Along the way my research is ever going and growing and I am finding and falling in love with fascinating things, and writing special little pieces for my new Facebook Studio Page and I want to share these things here so that we can stay close and I can take you on this journey with me.
Just now I want to share with you a fascinating video that I have watched 3 times in 3 days and am in love with. It is:

Good Life Project: Flash and the Art of Possibility 

Click on the link above and then go to that marvelous video. You will LOVE it, I promise!!!I will be back SOON. I’m finding a whole new way to interact here.
And now, I want to share with you one of the daily, and sometimes many times a day, pieces of writing that are coming right now. Some are part of the book I am writing, some are not, but I want to give you this little gift from my heart until next we meet which will be very soon…

“I just want to say that…

I think you are magnificent.

And if a perfect stranger thinks that, believes that, with all her heart, someone that doesn’t even know you, someone that has never shaken your hand, but someone who, in the depths

of her being, knows this to be true, who are you not to believe?

These are not just words to me, they are gifts from spirit. I have been given eyes to see and a heart that hears. I want you to sit right where you are and touch your cheek softly and say this out loud, “I am magnificent.” Now believe it. God doesn’t make mistakes, and even if you are a non-believer, if you were a mistake you wouldn’t be here. Nature kills off the weak that don’t belong, and yet, here you are.

You are magnificent. Don’t ever forget that…”
YOU ARE magnificent. Don’t ever forget that…

Warm Love & Deepest Blessings to all,


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