These Precious Moments: Day 21 ~ Because This Is The Way It’s Always Been…

Back in 2013 not long after she came…

We’ve just always been like this, she and I.

You love all your little ones, with your whole heart, you truly do, but sometimes a little person comes into your life and you look at one another and go, “There you are, I’ve been waiting for you.” That was Delilah and I. She came to me on September 1, 2013. She had been rescued from being used as a puppy mill breeder. She came out of horrors I cannot imagine. I came out of my own kind of horrors. She and I knew one another one, and loved one another deeply, and bonded instantly.

So how could I not, when she woke up at 6 agitated, in pain, not understanding what was happening to her, scoop her up and take her in and administer all the meds, 3 different kinds of eye drops, pain medication. I took the cone off so she could drink water. When she seemed calmer I brought her back and she snuggled in with me and went back to sleep. An hour later she woke again and we got up. And so started a day of restlessness, constant pain, confusion, administering 6 different medications every 2-3 hours. I made multiple calls to the vet. I’m doing everything, I said, but she is suffering so. It’s not okay.

I jumped up and down constantly to take the cone off so she could drink water, I administered meds, I took she and Pugsley out to the potty and got them treats and loved them every way I could. And when she slept I nearly collapsed in relief. And then it would all start again. I called the vet and said, “This is not okay.” They told me to bring her in and they would give her a shot for pain that would last for 8-12 hours. I had her there at 4. When she was there they saw how truly agitated she was and prescribed an additional medication for the anxiety. Now she is on 7 medications. She is fighting the cone she needs to wear to protect her eye so it won’t rupture. It has been breaking my heart.

I brought her home. Walked both of the babies. Gave the new anxiety medication. She quieted down and went to sleep for an hour. I talked to a dear friend in a state of tremendous relief, and simply exhausted.

Up we got, out to the potty, more meds, more eye drops, dinner. And since I sat down here, finally, to try to write this blog post, I have had to jump up three times so she could drink water. She can’t drink with the cone on. She has gone back to sleep here under my feet on a soft blanket now. She is snoring. I can feel the cone against my ankles. I am so relieved that she is resting.

It is 7:45. At 9 she gets pain meds, and 3 kinds of eye drops. I will take them out to the potty, and pray that she will settle down and sleep. I hope the shot they gave her at 4 helps her sleep tonight. I can’t bear for her to be in pain.

This is our day today. This tiny girl is my darling sweetheart. I will do what I need to do. I am so tired.


  1. katya taylor says

    oh maitri, she is so lucky to have you, and you her. you are doing everything humanly possible to save her eye and to keep her from pain. she is precious. you are precious.
    if only we could all send you eight hours of unbroken sleep, we would! and relief for your delilah. thank you for keeping us in on this vigil. the stamina you show in caring for her is quite amazing, given what you’ve just been thru with the hurricane. you never give up. you just do whatever you must do. and then, you actually take time to write your blog. hugs to you, dear one

    • Thank you sweet Katya. I am so tired I can hardly hold my eyes open but I have to take them out at 9 and do the final round of meds for the night. We do what we need to do, we rise to the occasion when a tiny being that has shown us so much love needs us. There will be other nights again when we will snuggle up and go to sleep without a care in the world, at least I surely hope so. But now she needs me, and I am here, and it is a privilege and an honor to take care of my tiny girl. She is asleep and snoring under me right now and I am so relieved that for the time she is not suffering. I hope she sleeps well tonight. Thank you for holding a good thought honey. I love you…

      M. xoxox

  2. Sending love, Maitri. And good thoughts and energy to you and Delilah.

  3. Ginger was my soul pug. She needed anxiety medication, too, when she was sick. She seemed to be afraid to cause us stress. Delilah is your soul pug. Such a gift they are! You are both blessed to have each other. That moment when soul mates meet is forever etched in our hearts so that we never forget that we,are never really alone. Sending prayers your way…

    • Thank you Karrie honey. I know how precious Ginger was to you and I know what a terrible loss it was. I’m so sorry honey. I appreciate the prayers so much. Blessings and love to you and yours… <3

  4. Do I understand all of this and there are those out there that would say we are crazy but we will do any thing for our fur babies, they are family and sometimes closer than family members. We love them beyond words…. praying for all of you…
    Hugs Jim

    • Thank you dear sweet Jim. I know that you know and I am, again and again, so sorry for your terrible loss last year. I know she will be with you always. I love you dear Jim…

  5. Blessings and prayers for comfort, peace and a restful night to all of you; sending you all much love and light!

  6. Sending so much love, dear Maitri. Thank you for letting us know how you’re getting on, you must be absolutely exhausted. Delilah is so precious! Keeping you all in my prayers. xxx

  7. Maitri,
    I hope last night was a gentler night. It is so stressful, I know. I love your photo of the two of you sleeping in earlier times. I am still praying for you both. 💕

    • Thank you Maggie, it was a very hard night, I wrote about it on FB and will write about it in today’s blog post. I appreciate the prayers. Please keep them coming… <3

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