If I could have had someone here to take a picture of Pugsley and I right now that would be us. He is here snuggled in beside me sleeping and I would be asleep too but I want to get a little blog post up. Little is about all I can do.
These days are so busy right now it’s hard to do anything but slog through all that needs to be done. This morning it was phone calls with insurance adjusters, and then dealing with medical billing from my recent hospital trip for the blood clot in my leg, and then getting the estimate and making arrangements with the tree guy who is going to come Thursday and be here all day. This has literally been hanging over my head since the hurricane and it is a relief to be moving forward with all of this. But it’s a lot, a whole lot, and it’s wearying.
Then I had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon, after which I had to go pick up medicine for Pugsley and then go to the Honda dealer because the light was coming on indicating there was a problem with the tires. I just spent hours at the Honda dealer on Thursday for an oil change and the yearly inspection and everything was fine so when the light came on the dash I just rolled my eyes. One more stop in an already busy day. They got that taken care of, a minor deal, and I finally got home at 4:30. Pugsley was beside himself, and needed to go out. I changed back into my house clothes and just crashed. I thought it was not possible to write a blog post which is how I feel a lot these days. There has not been a day in over a week that was not filled with phone calls, appointments, and dealing with too much of everything and I am just so tired.
Some days we just need to take care of life and “get all the things done.” This was one of those days. I can hardly keep my eyes open. Tonight I am just going to chill, and stitch, and snuggle my boy. That’s all I’ve got it in me to do and that’s okay. I have a big decision to make about something this week and it is weighing me down a bit but I will deal with that too. This is life, we do the best we can and we keep moving forward. I am moving, slow and steady, but inching forward. It’s enough.
I am going to close my eyes now for a minute. My body is saying “Enough for one day.” I am listening to my body and my aching leg. It is surely enough…

Hello Maitri,
I have been using an AFT (Attractor Field Technology) to heal my chronic fatigue. I am now cured when nothing worked even after using advanced next generation treatments over a year but with limited success.
AFT was put out by a former psychiatrist and doctor called David R. Hawkins – he rose up in consciousness and writes many spiritual books. People like Oprah follow him. He has collaborated with a neurophysicist to put out this website.
I must say I have never had such a remission from this condition which I have lived with for 30 years. I can now do things I never could do. It was like the curing of an impossible and unhappy disease state which plagued me all my life with no shift not even marginally until now.
I read other testimonials and there were some cases that struck me – a lady going into kidney failure expecting to go into dialysis for life and making a marked recovery and significant improvement in kidney function after using a AFT mp3 for kidney failure. The doctors were stunned. The other was a lady who lived with IBS for 40 years and was on tablets to keep it managed but made a swift recovery in only a few days with AFT.
The website is not flash but the pdf’s, mp3’s and CD’s are offered free or at very low cost. The reason being the psychiatrist acknowledges that people in his practice were low socioeconomic (living with mental illness) so it is a service given out of compassion so don’t let buyers psychology come into the picture and dissuade you from going ahead with it because there are no pretty pictures on the site.
Dr. Hawkins is recognised as being the equivalent of a living Catholic Saint after all the things he has contributed to humanity and is widely recognised in the East. His literature is breathtaking.
I wanted to let you know I saw something for free on his AFT website on BLOOD CLOTS it was a pdf on the meridian tapping procedure you use pretty much similar to EFT. (but its much more advanced!!! Yes indeed:) They may have a paid mp3 as an alternative if you don’t want to follow the DIY tapping sequences yourself but have a sound audio recording to just listen to. All you need to do is just listen to it -thats all!
You cannot be harmed by this technology – it will work in conjunction with your meds.
People are recovering so you can either get a free pdf on how to meridian tap yourself or listen to a paid mp3. People are recovering! Anyway am passing this on as I know you have been in distressed over stuff to do with the hurricane.
The AFT will release the attractor pattern (energy field) around the blood clot like it does with other diseases. Attractor fields typically coalesce around disease states – it will release the pattern and free you of the condition. I hope you don’t miss out. It would be such a shame to bypass this incredible opportunity.
His books are great too but for now wanted to recommend the AFT technology for healing all kinds of disease. Dr Hawkins healed all his illnesses and is now a highly calibrated spiritual teacher recognised by seekers everywhere
The website is:
Good luck Maitri.
I believe you have shared this with me before Leeanne. Thank you for thinking of me.
wow, the above sounds fascinating. we should check it out.
take care of yourself darling woman. you have had a day of do-do-do and more.
pick up thy needle, snuggly thy dog, and here’s a warm loving hug
Thank you Katya honey, it has been a time of so much, too much, but finally getting done many things that need to be done. I will be relieved to get past much of this. But today I am home all day and am going to have a quiet, peaceful, relaxing day. These days help keep me afloat. I hope you are having a lovely day too honey…
M. xoxox