The Days, The Hours, The Moments: Day 259 ~ The Pause That Tea Allows…

There are days that, were it not for that pause that tea allows, I think a good many of us wouldn’t make it. As the British say a cup of tea will cure anything. Well, it won’t exactly cure anything in my book, but it sure helps.

Did you ever have one of those days when nothing was really so much wrong, and you weren’t really sick, just kind of sniffly with an unwell sort of feeling, and you were tireder than usual, and then things that you might normally have taken more in stride completely undo you? That was me today. And it was a bigger thing than perhaps I am allowing, as you will understand if you read my blog post a couple of weeks back when I went on and on about how happy I was to have found Dennis, my new yard man, who absolutely worked miracles in my garden in front, got my whole yard shaped up front and back, and even said, “My mother has passed but if she was still here I hope someone would take care of her. I will take care of you, I will look out for you and help make things beautiful here…” And he said more. And I literally wept from relief because my previous yard man who had come for nearly 2 years, and who did a wonderful job, and who I had really come to care about, just up and quit with no notice or explanation leaving me really in a bind and by the time Dennis came two weeks ago the place looked unkempt and like a jungle. Dennis made it beautiful with promises to continue on. In my mind’s eye I saw a beautiful partnership that would last for years to come.

Yesterday he called to say it had been a couple of weeks and it was time to do a last mowing for the season and clean up the yard (the pine straw from the giant pines that surround my house in front completely covers the yard this time of year and the leaves are coming down in the back needing clean up). I said that would be great. We had previously agreed on a price for this type of regular maintenance, and what he would do for the amount we agreed on. He told me he would be here between 9 and 10. By 11:30 he still wasn’t here and when I called him he sounded funny. He said he was on his way but it still took awhile for him to get here. The job he should have done should have taken about 3 hours. It’s what we agreed on, it’s what my previous yard man did, it’s what this yard takes because, front and back, I have a very large yard. He came, he was here for not more than an hour if that, he didn’t do anything but the bare minimum, I paid him because I didn’t really understand until he left how little he had really done, and he was gone.

When I called him later in the day I was very kind and said to him I needed him to help me understand what happened, why so much was left undone. The long and the short of it was he just didn’t do it, wasn’t apologetic, and said he wasn’t going to do yard maintenance anymore and that was that. I was in shock, I was heartbroken, disappointed, and at a loss. It is so hard to find someone reliable to do this work, and I am telling you if you are an older woman alone people will try their best to take advantage of you and in the 10 years I’ve lived here I have had so many different people do this yard I’ve lost count. I cannot hire a lawn maintenance service which charges SO much money I cannot begin to afford it on a fixed income. I cried. I took a xanax which I rarely do. And, finally, I made a cup of tea.

The tea set me right one way or another. I got myself up and did chores. Took care of the birds and Molly. Gathered up all the trash and recycling in the house, took it out, and rolled the barrels to the curb. I fed all the little ones their dinner but can’t even eat myself. I had a little chicken for lunch but am just sipping tea right now. I am tired. And I am worried.

The struggle with aging is that while your physical strength wanes, and, for myself and so many others, your income diminishes, or you find yourself living on a small fixed income, the demands of life can become greater. Health concerns, maintaining your home, and more. We strive to make do, to find a balance, and one way or another things work out, family and dear friends will help as they can, things that seemed essential one finally lets go of, and, if we are lucky, and I do consider myself lucky, we have our health, our family, our beloved animal companions, a little garden, work that we love, even if it isn’t income producing, it is soul nourishing, and we carry on. As I wrote the other day I feel deep gratitude for what I have, and I thank God for it every single day. But these days are hard, a new helper must be found, and I am weary from the struggle of starting over again.

Thankfully the grass has been cut for the last time this year. The leaves and pine straw should be dealt with next month and I hope I can find someone to help me but I may not be able to. Still, things will work out one way or another, as they always do, and there is always tea, and my sweet little dog, and my birds chittering and cheeping and chattering around me. And I have a windowsill full of flowers I just picked this morning. I shall carry on, as one does. Life goes on…

I love looking out the kitchen window, lined with flowers from my garden…

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  1. katya taylor says

    oh my goodness, i wish i knew the real story about his sudden change of heart. i wonder if someone was putting pressure on him, or if he had struggles in his personal life, because it seemed so opposite of the way he had presented his devotion to helping you. what a painful blow. but you poured the tea, you cried, you did whatever you could to make it thru your disappointment, and then you took stock of all that you have to be grateful for. you show us over and over, that disappointment and hurt happen, blows happen, and yet, life goes on. the roses bloom. the birds sing. you write your blog. i hope you do find another helper soon. i know full well what it takes to care for a large yard. I have my helper, but he has cancer and who knows how long he will be able to help me. and will the next person be that thorough, that devoted, that able to do just what i need doing?

    on we go, honey sending lots of love and beautiful sunsets!


    • Oh my darling Ka, thank you so much for your response. I am just shutting down here for the night and it meant so much to me to see your comment before I go to bed. Yes it was a real blow, and perplexing because he gave me no reasonable reason, just decided not to do it, which leaves me baffled and sad given how wonderful he was 2 weeks ago. Life is surely a puzzle. But, as you say, one picks oneself up, one way or another, and goes on as best one can and I will do just that. For now Molly and I are off to bed. I have to be up at 7 (Eeks!) to take Molly over to the vet for her monthly “spa day” so I need to go to sleep but oh honey I am so glad to see you here tonight, I love you so much.

      Tomorrow is another day. I will hold your hand in my dreams as I go…

      M. xoxox

  2. Dear Maitri,
    You will have someone to help you with your yard. Just wait and see. God is in control and He sees you and knows your needs. Hugs, Memarge:)

  3. Sending hugs. xxx

  4. sue spiers says

    Maitri I am so sorry, I was so pleased that you found someone else to take care of your yard. I will pray that you will be provided for. Thank you for your post, which through your own disappointment and tears you have helped bring me some comfort in my own disappointments I am dealing with today.
    I have health problems which keep me mostly on my bed, getting used to losing so much, as you know, lack of independence, etc is a continual roller coaster of emotions through loss, grief, sadness to reconciliation of one’s limitations, compassion for oneself and eventually ( sometimes) acceptance.

    But today I had to deal with another loss because of health and I am sad and upset. So thank you darling for reminding me to be grateful for what I have and to be kind and care for myself through the sadness.

    You are a ⭐ Hoping today ( Saturday) is a better day for you. Prayers, hugs and love to you, Molly and your feathered friends. 🙏💖🐕🐦🐦🐦

    • Oh Sue honey I am so sorry. It made me so sad to read this. You have been through so much and still more loss comes. I understand. Of course I can’t begin to understand what you have and are going through, but I will hold you very close in my heart and prayers that some gentle solutions come to bring you happiness even with the things that are bringing these hard limiting circumstances. Bless you honey. Take care…

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