She Is Finding Her Way…


⁣⁣[I shared this with my Patrons today on Patreon and I wanted to share it with you…]

⁣⁣I painted the above painting, “She Is Finding Her Way” in August 2018, the month before Hurricane Florence hit. You can see intimations of Maisie there but I hadn’t thought of Maisie yet. Finding this picture today made me smile tenderly and reminded me how important it is for us just to keep on doing something, even if it feels like it is not good, not our best effort, we’ve no clue why we did it or what to do with it, I wouldn’t have gotten to Maisie if I hadn’t painted her, and everything that came before and after.

⁣⁣Emerson wrote, “Do the thing and you will have the power.” I’ve always loved that. Here I was just “doing the thing” but through all these earlier stages I was growing toward Maisie. You can’t not do a thing because you can’t yet do it like you’d like to. You develop a talent, you find a style, you just do the thing, and the power grows in you along the way until one day you create something and you are shocked! Where did THAT come from? you wonder? Well it came from all the early efforts, the scribbles, and doodles, and stick figures, and earlier drafts and everything along the way and you can’t hit that sweet spot without the journey that got you there.⁣⁣

Whatever it is you want to do, you dream of doing, just begin. That’s how it starts.⁣⁣

Just begin…⁣⁣

Join me on Patreon for much much more, just click below. And a HUGE thank you to my Patrons who are making my work possible! I love you all.⁣⁣

Have a beautiful weekend, I have a much longer post in the works, and don’t forget my Sunday Afternoon With Maitri video will be up in a couple of days on YouTube! 🙂


  1. katya taylor says

    this was worth reading twice! i love the not yet named woman’s red dress! xo ka

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