On “the leaping greenly spirits of trees”…

“I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.”
~ e.e. cummings ~

Oh My Dears…

Well I had planned actually quite a long blog post for you but, well — gardeners will understand this — I was just going to go outside for “a few minutes” and check on a few things, perhaps do a wee bit of watering, and 2 1/2 hours later I came staggering in wet, and muddy, and tired, so tired, but with that goofy grin on my face that gardeners get when they’ve had just a marvelous time in the garden communing with the plants, and, oh well, you know, trimming some things back, and stopping to marvel over the perhaps tens of thousands of seeds you’ve planted sprouting! so surely you should water a little more and then, Oh! Look at THAT!, and on it goes…

Molly was clean out of her mind by the time I came in, she was panting so hard from having cried and hollared and carried on so because I was out there for SO LONG she thought she might DIE and she was sure I was NEVER coming back in so I scooped her up and kissed the living daylights out of her as I assured her I had not and would not go anywhere but oh, dear wee one, it’s gardening season and Mama will be outside for stretches here and there. One day, when I figure out how to afford it, I will have raised beds built in the back and I can garden back there too and she can be with me but this is in the front and she is not safe out there.

But oh my dears, it is going to be glorious!

And then the most wonderful thing happened…

I had said in a previous post that I had a handful of large pots that were filled with bulbs that were coming up like topsy so I didn’t want to disturb them until they’d been able to bloom and gone by but the dear man who had helped me left them over to the side, away from the garden, and they were simply too heavy for me to move. I did get ONE moved the other day but it took me an entire hour, inching along, bit by bit by bit. However, as I was watering, a dear little neighborhood family were strolling by and I shouted out, like some brazen hussy, “Hey big handsome man, could you give me a hand for a second?” (I can’t believe I had the nerve!) Of course I know the wife and little one because we used to talk all the time when I had to walk Molly out front in her harness and leash before our back yard fence was fixed so they laughed and they all came over and I pointed to the 2 pots I couldn’t move. He moved them in about half a second and I said that I was planting tens of thousands of seeds and they should come any time in the summer when they could see everything blooming and knock on the door and we would cut them a nice big bouquet. They were delighted and she asked me for some garden advice. Such a nice neighborly thing for someone such as I who am so shy I barely go out the front door and wouldn’t at all had I not had to start gardening out front last year. God has a plan, and it seems since the hurricane He intended for me to get to know the neighbors and now it’s through the garden.

So finally I came in, whisked Molly up and we had a grand old LOVEFEST (the kissing around here just never stops!) and then I took her out back for one last walk before it got dark. As she ambled around I communed with my tree, the one I told you about, I think it was yesterday (I swear, so much is happening right now I am losing track of the days!). And of course it isn’t my tree. It is its own self, but I have loved this tree with my whole heart for 10 years. Though I live in an old neighborhood my property is nearly an acre and surrounded by a dense forest of very old, very large trees. The one that fell on the house covering the entire roof was a gigantic, very old pecan tree. This tree is in the middle of the yard and if any of you can tell me what it is I will be so grateful.

I actually kissed it, as one does when they are in love with a tree. And then I put my hand on it, as I do, as you can see at the top of this post, and I just leaned gently against it, closed my eyes, and breathed for several minutes. I can feel the energy of this tree. I pray for it to give me strength and I can feel it pulsing under my hand and all throughout my body. Finally I just lay my head against it for a moment, and I thanked it.

By then Molly was dancing all about and anxious to come in. She wanted dinner and I was a dirty mess and there was just so much to do. Now it is after 9 and I am very tired and the parakeets want to be put to bed and I need to get cleaned up and snuggle up with Molly so we can binge watch our new Netflix show! But I just had to reach out and touch base with you all. I’m sorry this is such a rush and a mix and a bit of a mess but my tree, if I may be so bold as to call it that, ever so reverently, and Molly and I are all holding you close in our hearts, sending you good energy, and gentle healing, and many prayers.

We are with you dear one. We are.


  1. I love your writing Maitri , makes me leave reality.

  2. You just take your time, Maitri. I’m glad I read your post today. I have been woefully out of touch with many people. Hugs, Memarge:)

    • Oh Marge honey, it sounds like you have been having a hard time. I’m so sorry and I will hold you very close in my heart and prayers. These are challenging times for us all but we are not alone. Reach out in any way that you can, like coming here, and you will feel less alone.

      Blessings and love dearheart…


  3. Well, I guess when the tree talks about you to its community, it will say somerhing like “my human” referring to you.
    I am in love with the ancient oak trees in “my woods” (that actually belong to the Duke of Oldenburg, but he is not wandering this forest like Ben and I do. Out into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul…)
    Sending lots of love to you and wee Molly

    • Ah thank you Silke honey and what a lovely picture you paint of you and Ben in the woods. I just love that.

      Molly is here in my lap and I am having morning coffee, all the windows in the house are open and a lovely breeze is wafting through. I love hearing all of the birds so clearly through the open windows. It is a quiet weekend for prayer and reverence and nature.

      I hope you have a lovely weekend honey, and, as always, give darling Ben a kiss on the nose for me! 🙂


  4. katya taylor says

    what is your new netflix show?? tom and i are looking for entertainment for our evening hours.

    we hiked yesterday a wonderful loop trail around sinkholes, there were very few people, and the ones we passed we managed to stay six feet away, and tom and i glories in the bright green ferns that were just springing back up, and the pure white dogwood blossoms, the sunshine and fresh air!

    we have two mighty magnolia trees in our yard (between which is hung a double swing), that make gorgeous fragrant flowers, and the seed pods have bright red seeds that fall to the earth. I have always loved trees, for all that they give to us earthlings. Long may they stand, provide homes for the birds (and on our property also a family of raccoons), giving us shade, singing to us when the wind blows through their leaves, and if one listens attentively sharing stories of all the years they have rooted there, what they’ve seen and heard, their wisdom, their secrets. ah!!!

    From one gardener to another, I salute you, muddy, exhausted, happy!


    • Ah darling Ka, as I texted you this morning the Netflix show was very dark and not one I would recommend, not my usual fare.

      But oh what a lovely picture you paint of the hike you and Tom took. Isn’t it just a magical time of year, seeing things come to life, green up, sprout, and the early spring flowers that bloom are so precious because they are the first. I posted a picture on FB and Instagram yesterday of my first tulip. It’s a very big deal for me because I had never grown tulips though I loved them they are not perennial here and more expensive than daffodils which I adore but I found a place to get discount bulbs in bulb so bought a bag of tulips and they are all along the walkway. Not giant ones, but oh so precious to me. And magnolias. Ah, I love them, I used to have a huge magnolia I visited when I lived in a townhouse before I bought this house. I miss it, I have none here, but I do have a white dogwood as well and it is opening too and the delicate flowers are so lovely and such a delight.

      Yes, from one gardener to another, enjoy this magical season!

      I love you so dearly Ka…

      M. xoxox

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