The Experiment: Day 252 ~ Gardens Planted, Stories Written, and Children Growing Far Too Fast…

Finally I was able to get outside today to plant my wildflower garden in the green gated garden area. I broadcast a pound of the above seed mix, “Burst of Bloom,” a glorious mix of annuals and perennials, to which I added a big bag of giant zinnias, and a bag of cosmos. By late summer and into the fall this garden will be a glorious site. This is the garden I plant for the birds, bees, butterflies and other insects. I pick some flowers for the house but mainly I like for it to be there for the winged beings to enjoy.

Though rain has been predicted all week long through the weekend it didn’t rain yesterday or today. The relief has been immense. They have not been bright sunny days but nor were they rainy and gloomy. I can feel what a difference it makes through my whole body.

Today I was able to edit and get my newest story to Katya (This time our words were Heart & Lace.), and I raked the whole garden area to prepare it for the seeds and then broadcast them in my usual fashion which I call “The Whirling Dervish of Seeds” because it is a glorious dance of heavy scattering of seeds that results in an amazing profusion of flowers. It will be fun to watch this garden grow.

And all week long I have listened to The Shell Seekers. Oh what a glorious novel it is. I will be sad for it to come to an end, but it has saved me this week. Through days of heavy rains I listened for hours and hours and it has helped me so much. Have any of you read Rosamunde Pilcher? I’m trying to decide which one of her novels to listen to next. I’d love suggestions!

Tonight I have an online meeting from 8:30 to 10. I will warm up the salmon I cooked last night in lemon and butter for dinner, shower, and listen to my book until it’s time for the meeting. I am drawing close to the end and both don’t want it to end and can’t wait to hear the rest of it!

I had a sweet FaceTime call with my wee grandson Atlas for his 2nd birthday just awhile ago — goodness, how do they grow so fast? Saturday my son Aaron will be 35 (He is Atlas’s father!) and next Friday, June 8, I will be attending my oldest grandson Lucas’s 8th grade graduation. I was present at his birth. How can he be 14 and on his way to highschool?

So children grow and flowers are planted and stories are written and rain-drenched days do pass. Spirits lift and life goes on. I am so grateful for this day, and I especially want to say thank you to all of you who wrote to me yesterday both here in the comments and privately via email when I was having such a hard time. That you reached out when I was having such a hard day meant more than you could possibly know. I will never forget your kindness.

On through the hours I go with a heart full of gratitude and love and dreams of a glorious burst of bloom in the months ahead…

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”