The Experiment: Day 136 ~ Make A Concrete Step Toward A Happy Life: Create A Vision Board…

Okay, I’m just getting started and playing around with this but I’m having a ball. And I am using a free program called Canva. And this is just so important. We can’t sit wishing and hoping and dreaming that some day we will be happy. First we commit to choosing happiness, then we say it out loud, and then we take action. We take action in a thousand different ways and no one way is right for everyone, but the moment you take action things start to happen. We all know the power of vision boards, they are an amazing tool for transformation, for manifestation, for creating what we want in our lives. I’m only beginning with this. This particular template is far too rigid for my taste but I’m just starting to experiment. I would far rather have something that looks more collagey. I am just finding my way and I will be experimenting a lot.

And this, this is the quote I am holding in my heart just now. It will be on a vision board too…

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
Henry David Thoreau

We must advance confidently in the direction of our dreams and how do we do that? We name it, and claim it, and then we dive in! When you make a vision board you name the things that are the most important to you, the things you want, the life you want to create, and then you print it out, in fact, print out lots of copies and put them EVERYWHERE in your house, your office, anywhere you will see it frequently, and then create a list of action steps for each element of your vision board, steps toward creating and achieving those things you want. Imagine it, achieve it, BE IT!

This is becoming an important part of my journey. For years I have been lost in dreams of what I wanted to achieve, who I wanted to become, the changes I wanted to make in my life and in the world, but they were just that, dreams. Dreams are wonderful, they are how we begin, but we will never get anywhere if we don’t get off our duff and DO it!

And one of my all-time favorite quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson,

“Do the thing and you will have the power.”

Amen! And that’s what I am doing right now, every single day, in whatever way I can. I am doing the thing, and it feels good.

And you can try something else, I have shared this before. Awhile back my friend Bekah and I were having one of our Skype sessions and we were creating vision boards together. We used colored construction paper, glue sticks, and we each cut words and pictures out of old magazines. So easy, so much fun. I bought a big package of all different colored construction paper and a box of glue sticks very inexpensively on amazon. I will be making these all year long. This one that I made that night with Bekah is taped up on a lamp right next to me. I look at it everyday…

So tonight I’m playing. I have already filled in the 3 blank spaces with text. 2 are private but of course one says “KETO ON!” Get everything on there that you’re excited about, everything you want to make happen, everything it’s about damned time for! Begin right now, any way that calls to you. We’re gonna rock this thing!

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”