I am just sitting down here so tired I am a little bleary eyed. What a long day it’s been.
I had to get up at 7 so I could get Pugsley out and fed and get dressed and hop in the car with him to have him over at the vet at 7:30. Today was his “spa” day. I have long taken my pugs to the vet once a month because I need them to do toenails and while they would charge $15 just to do toenails they only charge $20 to do toenails, clean ears, and bathe them (and they get all fluffed up under the dryer so I call it their spa day). It was the first time I have only taken one little pug and I went with a lump in my throat and a knot in my stomach. 4 weeks ago I took both Pugsley and Delilah.
Since we are going through an adjustment period with Pugsley being left alone I had things I had to get done while he was there. A banking errand, a trip to the pharmacy to refill Pugsley’s medication for his collapsed trachea, gas in the car, and a big, once a month, grocery shopping at Costco. I was so relieved to be able to do all of these things while he was at the vet. It is a familiar place for him, the vet techs adore him and baby him, and he was safe and happy there while I ran around like mad getting things done and EVERYTHING took longer than expected. We got home just before noon and after walking Pugsley, and carrying in all the groceries and putting them away, getting him a treat, and then making myself a cup of coffee, I came in here to the studio and just about collapsed. Too early, too tired, too fast, too much to do, but once home having gotten it all done I felt an enormous sense of relief.
I tried, I really tried, to get this post done earlier this afternoon but I was tired and bone weary and there was still so much to do. Dragging in the trash and recycling barrels, watering all the plants, and there are a lot of them, on the front porch, going in and out with my small boy, making lunch, and on and on. Finally I curled up with him in our cozy chair and read for awhile. I wanted, badly, to take a nap but I just couldn’t go to sleep.
Now it is just past 6, I have to get him out again and get his dinner and then my sweet daughter Rachel is coming over this evening and I have to make dinner for us so I had to do a quick blog post. Not exciting, not earth-shaking, but there you go. Some days are like that. And I am so excited to have Rachel here this evening.
A funny thing happened that I will share. Since we don’t have a fenced yard to use now I walk Pugsley in the big front yard. I rarely ever see any other animals around although there are a couple of feral cats I see once in awhile and I am assuming they are the culprits. Yesterday, in horror, I saw a snake in the front yard. It was smallish and I realized it was dead, in fact something had bitten it’s head off and left it in the yard. Dead or no I was still sheepish and horrified but I was going to dispose of it today. When we went out this morning it was gone. I was relieved and mystified. Who left the headless snake? Who removed it? I have lived here for 8 1/2 years and never seen a snake though other people in the neighborhood see them and my back yard is very large, woodsy, and just beyond my fence in the back is a creek. I know they are there but I have never seen one. Until the last couple of days. Now you see it, now you don’t. I’m glad it disappeared!
Okay I’m off and running again. Until next time…