These Precious Moments: Day 37 ~ Today I’ve Just Been Hangin’ With My Boy…

You know, here’s the thing, today nothing mattered much besides hanging with my boy Pugsley. It’s just he and I now and we are just allowing loving each other to be everything. I don’t have much to say here today, I’m just loving my boy.

We have been finding our way into life without Delilah. It’s been hard, very hard, but finally settling into just being together, taking walks every 2 or 3 hours, snuggling in our big chair, waking up in the morning and going to sleep at night curled up together, well, it’s all that matters to me right now.

And there’s something else. I have said that I shouldn’t have any more pugs but you know what? While I can’t afford to have more than one dog, it’s got to be a pug. The last 11 dogs I’ve had, including Pugsley, have all been pugs. Pugs have my heart. Life would be insupportable without a dog, and for me, the dog has to be a pug. And as long as I am blessed with Pugsley in my life — and I hope he is with me a long time yet — there will be just one dog. Vet bills have become scary with my reduced income. And I never thought of having just one dog, but you know what? As heartbreaking as it is without Delilah, Pugsley and I are settling in together and it’s okay. When the sad day comes that I lose my boy I will have to have another pug. It’s just who I am.

No, I don’t have much to say tonight, and my wee little man needs to go out soon, so I am going to stop here and say I hope you’ve had a lovely Sunday, we did, and now my boy and I will have a last walk and cuddle up in our chair. I will read my May Sarton book with my arm around him. This is how we end our days. And we are doing alright, he and I, we are going to be okay.

It’s been a good weekend. My heart is easing a little. I am going to make it through this. We are making it through, my boy and I.