The Experiment: Day 87 ~ Just Chillin’ and On Doing The Work Of Your Heart. And a FREE eBook For YOU!

The lovely Christmas music we are listening to…

What a sweet day it is. Yesterday I kind of worked myself to a frazzle and got myself all discombobulated. Cleaning the deck and cleaning and filling all the bird feeders, doing a massive cleaning job in the kitchen, cooking for the next few days, and more, but today it feels SO good to have it all done and we are just relaxing today. Later I will wrap some Christmas gifts and I’m going to be doing something very exciting today. I have finally done something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time, and really, I’m doing it for my children and I (It’s a surprise folks! They really don’t read my blog!). With the holiday sale and a gracious gift someone gave me for Christmas I ordered the DNA kit. You see I was adopted so my heritage, to a large extent (and there may be many surprises!) is a mystery. I found my biological mother when I was 26 and found out then that I am French and Polish, but I know there’s more there and I never found my biological father. I would like to find out everything I can about who I am, and in turn give my children this information so they will know about their heritage on my side of the family. My ex-husband was not adopted and has a lot of information and the ability to find more for his side. This is a precious and meaningful gift. One of the things I found out when I found my biological mother (It went very badly, sadly, but I did get some information and also found out that I have SIX [Half] BROTHERS!) Who knows what may turn up? Again, I’m kind of scared but excited too.

And I am making some decisions that will define my work in 2018. Something I’m very excited about. I have had small presses for 40 years and loved that deeply personal work so much. For almost 20 years now I have had Dragonfly Cottage Press and published a number of eBooks. I have also done a number of “zines” in my day as well as a 100 page quarterly journal. This comes natural to me, it is a format I love, and I have decided to move into the world of self-publishing again in 2018. It will be available inexpensively as a PDF download right here from my site, and next it will be a series of Kindle books. Finally it will move into a paperback book. This will be done slowly over time, but one thing that I know for sure is this. I am a non-traditional artist and writer and my very personal and unconventional work in small publications over decades is what has brought me the greatest happiness in my working life. This is the year I am returning to my roots, I am going to stop struggling and striving to publish the mainstream way and be true to my heart. This is the year I am going to be true to me and celebrate all that I am. I think it’s a good year for all of us to celebrate who we uniquely are and live and do the work of our heart. I am very happy about this and it feels very good and right, that kind of, “Well finally, it took you long enough to figure this out honey.” sort of feeling.

In this spirit I thought I would offer you all a free download of a little eBook I did for my classes and women’s community in 2014 after the fire. You can click on the image to open it and then right-click and save. It’s a PDF and was great heart work and comes out of decades of teaching writing, journalling and creativity to hundreds of students…

This eBook is a book of writing and creativity exercises. My work in 2018 will be more writing, straight from my heart to yours, but I thought you might enjoy this. Please share this post anywhere you think others might be interested in this free eBook too!

Well, it’s time to make my lunch and get a little treat for the pugs, then take a walk outside in the fresh December air. I am watching my bird feeders and my friends have not returned yet but I know they will be here soon…

Blessings and Love,



The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”

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