It is where I do my work, where I teach my classes, where I spend my days. Surrounded by books and pens, my Beta fish Vincent, my desktop computer, and looking out the windows into my woods. This is the room where I live, sitting at the old 9 foot long antique Farmer’s Table that is my desk and indeed my world. My darling pugs are snuggled into beds under the table around my feet. This is our happy place.
To my left there are always piles of books especially when I am writing and now teaching my ongoing Sunday Night Writing Group classes, writing a new outline each week, I am constantly carrying armfuls of books to my table and spend hours and hours reading and looking for just the right material. There are also books to my right. You can also see my darling Tanner’s red collar hanging on the lamp, he was my sweet baby pug, the youngest of my 3, that I lost in April.
To my right I have more pens than most right-thinking people would find necessary, and they only look this neat because my darling friend Noni came over with the organizers and organized them all. I had lots of mugs of different sorts filled with all kinds of pens. This drove Noni crazy! She came in one day with the organizers she had found second hand and put everything to rights. I think she sleeps better at night now! And of course there is my darling Beta fish Vincent who I commune with all day.
This is also the cozy spot where I will be talking to the dear friend tonight that I meet with weekly for video chats, work on my new book coming out of my writing classes, meditate, read, and even have morning coffee, lunch and dinner. When I say this is where I live I mean it.
I love having a window into people’s worlds, those people that I admire and follow and whose books I love. I thought that I would share my little corner of the world with you today. It is my Happy Place, and so much more.
Where is your happy place? I’d really love to know. Write and tell me all about it in the comments below.
The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”