The Experiment: Day 352 ~ What I Need As Hurricane Florence Heads This Way…

Dear Ones,

People are contacting me with concern and I understand and appreciate this. I have done everything I can to prepare as Hurricane Florence heads toward us here in Wilmington, NC. I have water, flashlights and extra batteries, candles, food. A friend is staying with me. I am taking the pugs to the vet in the morning and getting Pugsley’s medication refilled, and a whole laundry list of things. I cannot leave town. I am here for whatever comes. What I need are prayers. What I DON’T need, please, are horror stories from well-meaning people. I am already as afraid as you can imagine I might be and that doesn’t help. I believe in the power of prayer. Please pray for my loved ones and I and all of us here.

I am in what is called midtown here in Wilminton. Wilmington is kind of like a peninsula with the Cape Fear River on one side and the ocean on the other. If you are in either of those water areas you may have to evacuate. I am in the middle of town and while yes the weather is well likely to get bad here I am not on the beach or in an area that floods. I do have big trees around and that is my main concern but again, prayers please. If there is anything that can be done I have done or am doing it.

I have never missed a blog post in this 365 day journey of which this is Day 352 but I have no way of knowing what the days ahead will bring, if we are having power outages and if so how long they will last. If I am not here that is why and I will pick up where I left off, continue on until I reach 365 days, and then begin the next 365 day journey with Anna’s art and story and journey after that. Everything will get done. Getting through the days ahead is all I can think about right now.

This is a brief post as they will be in the next few days. I am coping with too much to do more.

Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and good wishes. I love you all.

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”