The Experiment: Day 325 ~ Today I Kind Of Felt Like Someone Nibbled My Nobble…

Please rush right to this link and watch this video

Okay, well here’s the thing. I cried all morning, sobbed in fact making a pitiful list of heartbreaking overwhelming really serious stuff to talk to my therapist about. As I headed out to therapy my car window went down and would not come back up. I called Honda in a panic. They said GET IT HERE ASAP if you want to get it fixed today. I told them I was on my way to therapy which I couldn’t miss but then I would rush it RIGHT OVER.

I went through most of a kleenex box in therapy sobbing through the whole thing and then headed to the Honda dealership where it cost $441 and change to get the window fixed. I was absolutely flattened by the whole thing and beside myself.

Then I came home and I will admit, I poured myself a glass of wine and went straight to Facebook to look for the kind of funny animal videos that have saved me more than once. I found one and posted it and it tickled me all to bits BUT THEN a friend posted the above linked video and I still can’t stop laughing. PLEASE GO WATCH IT!

Someone close to me was also having a very hard day. I just told her that I was about to post a short, funny video in tonight’s blog post and I wanted her to watch it. I said henceforth when either of us was having a hard day we could report that the way the day had gone it surely felt like someone “nibbled our nobble.” It surely is EXACTLY how I felt but now I just can’t stop laughing.

You know this whole blog experiment was about the search for happiness. I was prepared, in my mind, to write yet one more, God help me, blog post about the horrible, heartbreaking, day that I sobbed through and all the things that went wrong. Now suffice it to say that my nobble got nibbled but unlike the balloon in the video I think I will survive. But dang it hurts to have your nobble nibbled. Thank God for videos like this. This one saved me. I hope if you’re having a hard day it will help you too.

Guard your nobbles, and beware of squirrels. Where I live they are everywhere! I had no idea what havoc they could really wreak. But I still can’t stop laughing. And I am going to save this video to watch every time I have a day like this. 

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”