The Experiment: Day 2 ~ Be Happy For This Moment…

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”
Omar Khayyam

I woke up this morning and had a tiny moment of panic. 365 Days? What in the world was I thinking? And then Yoda’s voice rang in my ears, “Do or do not. There is no try.” And I remembered what I wrote in the ending of yesterday’s post, “If not, why not? If not now, when?” and I smiled to myself. When is now. And I have written about mindfulness, taught it, mentored people in living mindfully, how about now I actually do it? And then I remembered that I only have to be concerned with this one singular moment, as Omar Khayyam wrote, “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” In the end there will be 365 posts but today, and every day, I only have to do one. And as I said yesterday if all I can manage is a picture and a quote with a line or two that will be enough for that day. Furthermore what I am doing right now, in this moment, is establishing a practice. Get up, take care of the dogs, make my coffee, sit down at the computer, and before I bring up my e-mail or Facebook or anything else I will write my happiness post for the day, and in doing so I will not just be getting the post of the day done I will be starting my day on a positive note. Win-win. And so today, I am here, in this moment. The Experiment, Day 2.

So today, again, is very simple, it is having morning coffee. Sometimes, often in fact, I think that the happiest moment of the day is when I have the pugs all taken care of, coffee made, and I sit down and take that first sip. Oh heavens! It is divine! I make my coffee in a French Press so it is very strong. I use Starbucks French Roast beans and grind my own. They are black and oily and fragrant. I use a little Sugar in The Raw and some half and half. And for some time now I have been using what has become my favorite mug. It is a giant! bright sunny yellow mug (It will hold the whole French Press worth of coffee!). It truly reminds me of sunshine, it is just that perfect yellow. And I bought it for $3 at the grocery store. I have some beautiful, and what were, for me, expensive mugs that I have bought over time, but my giant yellow grocery store mug is my favorite mug. That first sip when the coffee is hot and sweet and creamy is bliss, but I will keep sipping it sometimes for 2 hours or more while I work and I get as much pleasure out of the last, now cold, sip as I do the first. Morning Coffee makes me happy. And that’s me, Day 2!

Making morning coffee…

See how easy this is? It doesn’t need to be a thousand word blog post, just a few thoughts, or a single, simple, happy thought, and I would love it if you would leave me a comment, wave at me, as I said yesterday you can simply put a smiley face, but most important of all, use this space to record your own happy moment. Start the day by writing it down. And then share it with us here, in this project. When you write something down it becomes more powerful. When you share it, it quadruples in strength. And you can leave comments after people’s comments if someone has moved you. This is a search for happiness community. We’re here to help each other.

I am going to leave a link at the bottom of every post back to the first post which was the introduction to this experiment so people understand what it is, why it is, and what the rules are. Now I’ve shared mine, what about you? I can’t wait to hear from you!



The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project

“Do or do not. There is no try.”