This evening my heart is just so full of love…


I am listening to Stevie Wonder. I cried through Isn’t She Lovely because it was our song when we had our first baby, Jenny, who has just had her 2nd baby, Silas, and I talked to her today, and she is such a sweet mother and I am so proud of her, and her wonderful husband Andrew and precious 3 year old Pierce are such a beautiful family; and my 2nd daughter and middle child, darling Rachel, and her husband Jeremy are close to me, the only ones who live here, and last week I celebrated my 61st birthday with them, and my darling grandson Lucas who was born the day after my birthday, he is now 11, and we celebrate together each year. And my beautiful son Aaron got his contractor’s license today, and his beautiful wife Stephanie is like another daughter to me. My family. I am so very blessed.

And my best friend Jeff was here today. This is the most profound friendship of my lifetime. More brother, family, blood, than just a friend. We have seen one another through so much, I love him dearly.

And these funny little pugs and rascally parrot make me laugh and love and sing every single day. I write so much about the hard times I wanted to write about all the love and joy and happiness I have in my life. And there is so much.

I am surrounded by a mess of paints and papers and canvases and a wall of finished art behind me and coffee cups and bottles of ink and pens and journals and books and yarn and knitting needles with 2 projects in the works. And roses from the garden, and out the windows that wrap around 2 sides of this large studio I see the trees that surround and shield and hide me here, my little forest, and the gardens which are full to overflowing now with many kinds of roses and clematis, poppies and all manner of joyful flowers just coming into bloom. This garden greets me like a smile each and every day and the air is perfumed so strongly my knees nearly buckle as I swoon in these heavenly climes.

I love, I am love, I am in love with the world. And if you are here reading this I am so grateful for you as well. I wish you love, I wish you happiness, I wish you peace and joy. May the days unfold before you in all their glory, and may all of this be at your back on the hard days that will surely come, and be strong and move through them with grace knowing that all of the beauty that surrounds you will float you on it’s moments and you will soon return to all that you love, to all that brings you joy.

I wish you so much love. Go in peace dear one. Namaste…
