“365 Days of Mindfulness” [Day 83] Being Creative With Self Care ~ Do What You Have To Do, Even If That Means… Going Gangnam Style!

I like to think this is what it looks like from outside my windows but I kind of think it probably doesn’t and not because the pugs aren’t all crowded up on the windowsill.

I have to write this really fast before I lose my nerve.

Let me just tell you that I think of the above picture that I have created as “Isadora Duncan Goes Gangnam Style.” Yes, I think that’s pretty accurate. And though someone looking in the window might not think the above is accurate really you’ve only got my word to take for it so I am going to tell you that this is exactly what it looks like in here right now because I absolutely believe this, in my mind, to be true.

I had 15 years of ballet, tap, modern dance, and jazz, and then was a dance minor in college. The fact that if I tried to do any of those things today I’d break my neck and nevermind the fact that I just frightened all four of the pugs nearly to death, even poor old deaf Sam who seems mostly blind now anyway, is completely beside the point. Miss Scarlet my African Grey parrot actually was dancing and hooping, singing and whistling through the whole song. We both went Gangnam style.

Now I had never heard of Psy or his hit that went viral on YouTube until a year or so ago when they had him on Dancing With The Stars. I said to my daughter Rachel who was watching it with me, “WHAT in God’s name IS HE DOING?”

If you have never seen Psy do Gangnam Style you should rush right over to YouTube and watch it by clicking on the link earlier on in this sentence. I’m quite sure a good many of you will not like it at all, but child, it saved my life today and I will likely put it on and hoop it up off and on all day long. I will make myself. You see I am vigilant about self-care and some days you just have to TAKE STEPS.

Gangnam Style is one of those songs you might think you hate but you absolutely can’t get it out of your mind once you’ve heard it and then you hear it some place and it kind of tickles you and then though you can’t understand any of the words you might find yourself humming along, moving a little, and then belting out “GOING GANGNAM STYLE” while you go wild pretending you are riding a horse. (You have to see the video.)

Why, it has even resurrected a long held dream of mine. I want a pair of turquoise cowboy boots.

Okay, what’s the point of all of this? Today I woke up so depressed I could hardly breathe. Yesterday was not a good day which is why I wasn’t here. You see after losing all of my computer equipment in the fire I bought this super duper MacBook Pro just over a month ago when I was in the hotel. Over the weekend it went on the fritz. I can use it but the bottom of the screen has lines across it that keep flickering and after an hour on the phone with the Apple Guy it was determined that they need to bring it in to fix it so I will receive a box tomorrow and they overnight it to them and they do get them back pretty fast but the thing is I now have no other computer. I haven’t ordered a desktop yet. I was going to try to do without one though I have always had both a desktop and a laptop but this just won’t do. When this computer gets packed up and sent off tomorrow I will have NO computer for a few days and yes, I have been freaking out about it. I have rescheduled students starting tomorrow through the rest of this week and into next week to make up for the fact that they had to be put on hold when the fire happened. I simply will not put them off anymore but I never really do any work on my tablet, just FB and Tweet a little and check email. Now I will just make do, but this is making me crazy.

Also, when I get depressed and feel like the sky is falling on me I completely doubt myself. And over the weekend I came up with an idea I love for my business that I planned to launch this week kicking it off with a super duper special in something that I think will be a lot of fun, good business for me, and something that will help other women which for me has to come together as a package deal. I think it is innovative. Exciting and fun.

And then the laptop went funny and is leaving the premises leaving me with no way to work.

Truly, I plummeted so hard and so fast I could hardly breathe.

And then as I wrote my daughter in an email this morning, and I will have to bleep some of the words — I will not let this BLEEP’in thing knock the BLEEP out of me. Nosirree. No way, no how.

It’s not that mindfulness means you won’t have a bad day. No, but it brings you back to the present, and not just knowing that I am okay in this moment but that I have the reins in my hands and I can ride this pony (Gangnam Style or no) or get off and give up — we all have choice — makes me kind of shout, “Oh HELL YEAH I can do this!” And I did, and I am, and I went Gangnam Style! (And so did Miss Scarlet!)

So I am going to do as much work as I possibly can today, get everything ready for my students mentoring sessions which means that since I don’t even have a printer yet I will have to write a heck of a lot out by hand, but that’s okay, my fountain pen and I will cruise across the vast expanse of the notebook page and we will ride like the wind. And while my laptop is being fixed I will work with my students and maybe, just maybe before I go to bed tonight I will announce my new project since I won’t have a computer to do it the rest of the week. It may be a little rocky but heck, like I said in the last post, when you watch everything burn down and your whole life gets turned upside down you know you have no time to waste. So I’m not.

I hope you will join me in my new venture. It is going to rock and be fun and I literally walked through fire to get to this place to do it so I am going to rock it out. I am excited and I am happy and I won’t let a laptop get me down.

I am going to get this post up and it may be the last one for a few days because I don’t know how to do one on a tablet but maybe I can figure it out. Wish me luck, wave at me from the sidelines, and join me now in a dance…


Woot woot!