To All Of You, My Dear Ones, Followers and Friends, Family and Family of Friends, To All Of You Near And Far, I Send You My Love, This Day And Always…
In these hard days when we have all been through so much, when we feel bruised by life, weighted down by worry and fear and too many losses, I think that it is more important that ever to reach out to each other with all the love we can possibly give. I know that I always deeply feel what Beethoven wrote to his “Immortal Beloved,” “I write you letters by the thousands in my thoughts…” And indeed I do. There is so much that I want to say to all of you, and there are never the right words, or the right time, or time enough, or I feel too shy, but if we have ever met, even briefly, in person or online, please know that you are precious and dear to me, that I am holding you in my heart and prayers always, and on this special day that celebrates love, as well as every other day of the year, I am sending you more love than I can rightly express, now, and always.
And so I send you this love letter from my deepest heart, I send you thousands of letters and good thoughts and wish you all blessings and love in abundance, this day and always.
I write you letters by the thousands in my heart…