A Little Bag Of Delights…
Dear Ones,
Oh, I remember those days so well, and, sometime or other I will be caught off guard during the holidays by a memory of when my children were little and tears will come to my eyes. But then, just yesterday, my “baby,” who is now 37, called with his baby, a sweet 4 year old boy, and they both said hello, and I saw the little one play in the room with their Christmas tree, and the dogs, and the joyful air of Christmas was all around. We had such a good long talk and we laughed and laughed at so many things. “FaceTime” is the best when you have family living far away, especially when there are little ones, and I was filled with joy. I think of my 3 children, on Christmas mornings, and think those were the happiest days of my life, and yet here is my son, with his son, and time goes on.
It is important for all of us, especially, I think, if you are alone, or, of course now in these Covid days when those you would normally have gathered with during the holidays can’t be with you, to create rituals and make special little things that can still bring you delight and joy this holiday season. How about you put together your own “bag of delights?” I promise you you will not regret it. And I would love to hear from you in the comments about what you put in your bag, or any other things you do for yourself to make these days a little merrier and brighter.
Enjoy these special days, and take tender care of your precious heart.
Happy Holidays & Much Love…

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