The Experiment: Day 12 ~ I’m Just Sitting Here, Like This Meerkat…

Lord have mercy I am sitting here, just sitting here. I’d like you to imagine that I’m thinking deep thoughts, or perhaps this is just a pregnant pause, although when I looked that up the Urban Dictionary called a pregnant pause “The first cousin of awkward silence.” This feels like an awkward silence, to be sure. I guess I’ll just have to go with that.

You see my plan is to do the blog post first thing in the morning over coffee so that I have it done early in the day, don’t have to wade through the hours worrying about it, and have that little lift you get from completing a task right off the bat! That wasn’t going to happen today.

Today I got the dogs out and fed, got their meds, took mine, made coffee, and sat down here with my giant yellow mug the color of sunshine and smiled at the computer. Yessirree I was on my way. This 365 day experiment was just a dandy thing, thought I, and then I stared at the computer. I can just about guarantee you that the look on my face as I stared at the computer was very nearly that, maybe almost exactly as that of the meerkat. Maybe that’s why, after searching through thousands of images off and on for hours until I was going crazy (or one might say even crazier than usual) when I found the meerkat I kind of sat with my mouth hanging open staring at him. I felt like I was looking in a mirror. That’s the one! I thought, and here I am. It is 10:16 p.m., I have just finally eaten some dinner, and the pugs have given up and fallen asleep all around me. They are snoring loudly. They want to be in our big chair and I want to start my new book — I finished Glennon Doyle Melton’s Carry On, Warrior this afternoon, I am starting her Love Warrior tonight, I am just in love with her writing — but I am determined not to miss a single day of the 365 day challenge I’ve set myself if that means I have to come on with a meerkat and an awkward silence, mumble a few things, and hope for the best.

We all have these days, right? And I suppose in the whole cosmic scheme of things I could just skip a day and pick it up the next day BUT I CAN’T DO THAT, IT WOULD BE A DISASTER! You see my bipolary brain can be like a herd of runaway ponies. If I take one day off they will head right out the door in another direction entirely, so I am staying the course, in this rather embarrassing fashion, and I am getting this post up and out or BUST.

Ah, wait a minute!!! I think I might have something for you. Yes, after having done a thorough search on youtube I have found a whole host of videos on meerkats and this one shows adorable meerkat babies and it’s short! You’re welcome everyone!

I thought I should at least try to be educational and gracious if meerkats don’t make you smile I don’t know what will. My “search for happiness” may take me down some questionable side roads, but I stand by my meerkats. They can’t all be deep. A big part of this project is showing up everyday, and here I am. Or I should say here we are. Enjoy the meerkats. I’ll be back tomorrow with something a little meatier. I hope. But it’s 11:00 p.m. now and my ability to make sense shuts down at 11.

I am sending you all hugs and love and a handful of baby meerkats for your viewing pleasure. Again, you’re welcome!


The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”