The Experiment: Day 121 ~ Sometimes We Just Need To Be Very Quiet And Breathe…

I invite you to listen to this music with me as you gaze at the candle and breathe. Breathe in and out slowly, and gently. Fix your eyes on the candle, let them slowly go out of focus. Keep Breathing. Stay here with this until you are ready to move on…


Keep breathing until you feel a peaceful ease throughout your whole body. Begin by focusing on the top of your head and then move slowly through your whole body. You neck, your shoulders, you arms, your torso, your hips, your solar plexus, your abdomen, your pelvis, your thighs, your knees, your calves, your ankles, your feet, your toes. Close your eyes and feel a ripple of relaxation go from the top of your head to the tips of your toes…


Lift your shoulders up as high as you can… hold .. now let them drop. Feel your whole body as fluid as a river flowing. Release every bit of tension in your body. Doesn’t that feel good?


Practice this every single day, whenever you feel tension in your body. You can save this page and come back here whenever you like. Breathe, relax, release…

There is so much we may want to do, may want to accomplish, but you have to start here. You can’t create, live, be if you are not first relaxed, fluid, breathing with the whole universe. We are as if one body and when we all join together in this practice we will be able to feel a collective sigh of relief and release, we will feel the love flowing in and out of each of us to the next person and the next. This is how we heal the world, and you needn’t worry if the next person is doing it or if it is “working,” you simply have to do your part and trust that the love, the peaceful ease, the peace is flowing out of you and on to the place it’s meant to be. If we each take care of our own life and work and live in love, meet all you encounter with kindness, gentleness, and compassion, you will be spreading a kind of energy out into the universe that will create healing, one person to the next. It all begins with you.

The only mistake you can make is to get too caught up with what other people are doing. You must simply begin to breathe, to relax your body, and after you breathe in let your outbreath release a kind of warm, pink, loving energy flow out of you. It will find it’s way to where it needs to go. Really, it is not your business where it goes. Your job is to breathe in, relax, release, and breathe out love. I promise you that if you will do this every day it will change your life.

Start by doing this practice 10 minutes a day. You can expand to 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30. I am working toward doing it for 30 minutes twice a day. But simply start for 10 minutes, or even 5. Do it whenever you find yourself tense or anxious, for a few moments. It’s like magic, it will change the whole tenor of your day.

Relax, release, breathe out love, breathe… Keep breathing. Every cell of your body is relaxing to the point of expanding out toward every other living being.

This is where I begin, and in this state I listen to the “still small voice within.” We can only hear this voice that guides us to our highest good when we are in a state of total release and relaxation. This is the most important thing that you can do because once you start here it causes a ripple affect throughout your life and more and more positive change occurs. It’s like a magical game of dominoes. It works. It really does.

We are all on our own journey. We will move from this expansive state to exactly where we are supposed to go, one moment at a time. This is the life you’ve been waiting for.

And while I would love to tell everyone to dive right in what I know, in reality, is that we are ready when we’re ready. We cannot entice anyone else to make any kind of changes in their life. It’s not our business, it’s not our job, it’s not our place. But when we live from this place and the changes happen throughout our lives and we begin to find happiness, joy, peace, and fulfillment we cannot help but affect others. It’s like tossing a stone in a pond, the ripples just go out and out and out. We don’t have to do anything. We just have to do us. As the saying goes “We are the change we’ve been waiting for.” This is the truth. Simple, profound, real. Just begin with the first breath.


Relax, release, breathe out love, breathe out peace, breathe… It’s all you need to do…

Begin now.

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”


  1. Beautiful! What a gift!
    Thank you.
    Love, Jean

  2. Such lovely soothing music. Thank you Maitri! I think I will book mark that page.

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