Nature’s Tender Beauty Heals Gently…

on the temple bell.”
~o~ Buson ~o~
Dear Ones,
Yesterday I was sick. Really sick, some flu or virus of some sort and limp as a dishrag from all the, well, you know, one needn’t paint a picture. And then, after half a day of the worst of it starting to get a bit better but still feeling poorly it’s easy to go into the “Poor Me’s…(Heavy Sigh)” so I went outside with the dogs into the fresh air and sunshine and as they were moseying about the yard I lost myself in the beauty of the cottage garden for a few minutes, with too many butterflies to count, and got a really good shot, with my phone camera, of this beautiful butterfly who wasn’t the least bit concerned that I practically got in his face to take the picture! It was a lazy warm day and the butterflies were just enjoying their zinnia feast and were as slow moving as I felt. I came in feeling better all over, the fresh air, the sunshine, the beauty of the natural world all around me, with my funny little pugs trotting about, tiny blind Miss Penny wandering over to me when she was ready to be picked up and carried in, the little boys racing about at top speed after squirrels, and dear old Sam, my beloved boy, just a few feet away from me. He never leaves my side and won’t go in until I do. My sweet, sweet boy.

My beloved boy Sampson. Sam is now 14 and I’ve had him
since he was 9. He is my velcro pug and always near me,
and as you can see by the heart on his forehead, he is a love

pug extraordinaire. I told my vet he’d better live to 100
because I never want to be without my sweet boy…

After I came in I thought, “Well, enough’s enough!” I made myself get dressed, I did some watering in the garden, cleaned up the kitchen and got the dishwasher going, fed the dogs and went outside again, and by evening, even though I still wasn’t feeling well, I felt so much better, a lifting of the spirits, and we all know that with the mind-body connection that trip out into the garden did more healing than anything else could have. 
I just wanted to share with you a brief reminder of what a beautiful healer nature is, even in a little neighborhood back yard, or anywhere, an apartment balcony, a park. Make regular forays into the natural world and feed your soul. It’s the best medicine ever. 
I’ve taken a lot of garden pictures I will be getting up here soon. In the meantime, I’m sending you armfuls of flowers from my garden over the waves to you. See them in your mind’s eye in a vase in your favorite room, and don’t forget to picture the butterflies there too!
Blessings and Love,

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