Expanding Maitri’s HeART…

You never know where art is going to take you…
I put these pictures online and then took them down. I thought they were too naked, raw, and vulnerable, but then I realized that I am a truth-teller and my art is becoming a bigger part of my truth-telling than I ever dreamed possible. 
I posted the above unfinished when I was working on my book which deals with living as a woman with bi polar disorder, and also lived through a childhood of long-term sexual abuse. I am decades past the abuse having been more in therapy than out and it’s not something that I think about but it is obviously something that affects me. I didn’t know how much. I titled the above, “I See.” I waited for it to speak to me to finish it…

Art takes you places that are scary to go, but helps you process the scary stuff so it can move through you…
It seems I still “see” a lot more than I realized. 
It’s okay.
I am moving through it with writing and art.
I am starting an amazing journey called “B-School,” a program created by the amazing Marie Forleo. It is a program for women entrepreneurs. 
I never knew how I would support myself and I still don’t know what shape it will take but my work will have something to do with healing, art, hands, writing, more. My life is expanding.
I see so much more than I ever knew.
This is right, this is good, this is now.
Bring it on.


  1. SO proud of you! We have courage, and we are survivors! (It’s me, Jo Watts)

  2. Thank you so much Jo honey, I am sending you an enormous hug. We live, we survive, we thrive! Onward and upward dear sister!



  3. Love the honesty, and I’ resonated with previous cool art and how you placed it on your site.

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