The Experiment: Day 130 ~ Damn That HURT!

Criminy! A week ago my glass water bottle fell off my table and shattered. I thought I had cleaned it all up. Then my friend Noni found the bottom of the bottle under a chair! THEN Saturday the floor was swept and mopped. There shouldn’t have been even the tiniest bit of glass left. But last night about 9:00 I was walking across the floor and I nearly went straight up through the roof. I stepped on a shard of glass and I was immediately bleeding everywhere. I didn’t know what to do, it was bleeding so much and I was in a panic. It was stuck in the ball of my foot. Finally I rinsed it well with peroxide, put neosporin on it, a little sockie to keep it covered because a bandaid wouldn’t stay on, and I contacted Noni and asked her if she could come today to help get it out. I limped gingerly around for the first half of the day hurting like the dickens. She got here early this afternoon and she’s good! She got it out. It was a wicked little shard of glass. Nasty business. It kind of took the stuffing out of me. Something about living alone and having this kind of thing happen to you and it’s scary. It really rattled me.

This afternoon after Noni left I watched a documentary and then took a nap with the pugs. This evening I’m here, just moving slowly. I am not going to get much done here tonight. I’m going to warm up something for dinner and snuggle up with the pugs and watch another documentary. (I have a free week of The Sundance Channel and I’m going to binge watch documentaries which I love and then cancel at the end of the free week!) I’m sorry to be so useless, I’m sorry not to say more, but I will write a better blog post tomorrow. Right now I think I better clean up all the blood spots all over the kitchen floor. It’s yucky.

I will remember to keep my shoes on. I always do. I never go barefoot anymore because I have some neuropathy left from being prediabetic. Now that I’m no longer in the diabetic range and on keto my feet are getting better but I’m still cautious about my feet. I have no idea why I was barefoot, I won’t be again! But truly, I’m glad it was me and not one of the pugs that stepped on it. That would have been awful.

I will see you tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a better day. And take care of your feet!

The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”