Yes I Feel As Ghastly As I Look! Toothaches Suck! And Hurricane Irma Is Headed This Way!

Oy Vey! Not just my tooth hurts but the whole side of my jaw/face hurts. I have to go to therapy today and I’m taking my ice bag with me. Thankfully the clinic called me this morning and can get me in to see the dentist tomorrow at 4. I will just have to hang on but yegods this hurts. The whole side of my head hurts. This can’t be a good thing!

I am not one of those glamorous bloggers but I’m doing my best. Through rain, sleet, snow, shine or toothache I will keep up with the September Blogging Challenge With Effy.ย And it’s not as if this is the only thing going on, oh no, Hurricane Irma is headed our way. I am somewhere between praying, “Please God, let her turn out to sea!”, flat out denial, and preparing for the worst. After therapy today I am getting gas in my car, a prescription refilled, some food and oh yes certainly some wine, and I have to get in extra jugs of water. I have good flashlights, and I am racking my brain for what else I might need. I think I will be spending a lot of time in my big chair with my blanket and pugs, a book, and the ice bag. I wonder if I could carry it with me into Costco today? I’m not sure I can ZenDoodle my way out of this one. It’s good for so much but I don’t think it covers toothaches and hurricanes!

Then there’s the matter of the dangling limb. I have already tried to get through to the tree service today but can’t get past a busy signal so far. One of the things about my yard is that it is beautiful because of the big old trees. And the big old trees also keep me terrified through every hurricane and tropical storm that comes through. There is a HUGE tree that overhangs my deck and currently there is a rather sizable branch hanging down that I think needs to come down. It could fall between the deck and the fence but if it fell ON the fence and took part of the fence down the dogs could get out. This is one of my biggest fears in life, something happening to my fence so my dogs could get out. But it is positioned to fall, at least it looks this way, BETWEEN the deck and the fence. I may just have to pray a lot over this because good luck having any tree guy in town free to take a branch down — it’s hanging down from high up — a couple of days before a Hurricane may hit here in Wilmington, NC, when people all over town are probably having every tree taken down that looks iffy. Could you send my trees a few prayers? And my tooth too?

Lordy I have to get dressed to go to therapy now. I’ve been in such raggedy shape lately that my poor therapist does the best she can to patch me up each week but this week with me and my icebag and a hurricane on the way she’s got her work cut out for her. She’ll just have to do the best she can.

I hope wherever you are you are not in the path of a hurricane, I hope all your teeth are happy, and I hope your nerves are better than mine. Mine struggle on the best of days. This is not a great one. I’ll just take my meds and do my best…

Love to each of you, and stay safe, wherever you are…