The Experiment: Day 110 ~ It’s Time For Us All To Sing and Dance! And LIVE Our Truth Fully and Completely!

Magic is in the air. It’s all around us waiting for US to be ready. You can’t hope and wish and sit back and wait for something to happen. What can you do/are you doing to make changes, to see some movement, in your life? I have written about all of the things that I am doing already on New Year’s Day. I live the ketogenic life, I meditate, I blog daily, I reach out to all of you and I am here to answer you if you will write to me, I am getting more active physically, a little bit at a time, I am using positive affirmations, and I am ACTIVELY BELIEVING that miracles are all around me, I am inviting them in. You have to act as if miracles are all around you, waiting to come into your life. I am celebrating every single tiny thing that sparks happiness and joy and I am SINGING AGAIN, all over the house, to the pugs, to the wild birds, and the squirrels, and to the spirits that are all around me. And I am doing so much more, some of which I feel shy talking about here because I know it is not part of many people’s belief systems. But I think I should. Being honest and transparent about my life is the whole purpose of doing this blog. When I feel like hiding something, or not writing about it, I KNOW I HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT IT. So here I go.

(I know I’m about to go way out on a limb but you know what? I am finding that I am quite comfortable here…)

I am getting deeper and deeper in touch with the spirit world. Before the fire I was experiencing such miracles here — I both wrote about it and shared many pictures of it, the pink angel orbs that were positively everywhere, more and more all the time until I couldn’t walk outside at night without being surrounded and covered with them. THEY are what saved me the night of the fire. They were particularly active and bigger and brighter than ever before so the dogs and I stayed outside because I was taking lots of pictures. I was outside for so long that the explosion in the house that started the fire was just happening as I was about to walk inside the house. Had I been inside in the kitchen I most likely wouldn’t be here today. And the odd thing is after the fire the angel orbs disappeared. It is as if they were here to keep me safe, to save me from the fire, and once it was all over they disappeared. This has been a deep disappointment to me. I want to get in touch with them again. See this blog post to see pictures of the orbs. They are beautiful and miraculous! Okay I can’t help myself, I will share one picture here, but you really need to go to the blog post above to see lots of amazing pictures!

And I am doing meditations and exercises to be open and present to the spirit world and even to spirits who have crossed over. I know this is shocking to many, many don’t believe in this, and maybe some people will unsubscribe when they read this, but if I have learned anything I have learned that you should never hide your light under a bushel, you should never hide who you are, you should live fully and completely everything that you are thinking, feeling, and experiencing. It’s okay if you don’t believe as I do, or if I don’t believe as you do, but I will share my truth wholeheartedly here because the only way to live my complete and joyous life is to to let my life shine brightly, to sing and dance my truth into being, like a whirling dervish the more I dance the more I feel alive and the more I feel alive the more I want to live and create magic and wonder in the world. It is my path. And I feel a kind of inner radiance that I think shines out of my eyes and my whole being. Something amazing is happening. And I am GOING with it!

One of the reasons that I am reaching out to the other side is to experience a kind of healing that is only possible with some who have crossed over. No matter what happened in the past I have come to a point of letting it all go. I am in a place of joy and peace, my whole life is new and different and I am choosing this for the rest of my life. And I know that once souls have crossed over they will have done a life review and come to a new place of love and are no longer the troubled souls that did sometimes very serious damage when they were here. I want to reach out beyond my past, and far into my future life when as spirits we will be reunited in love. My life now is about complete forgiveness, letting go of old hurts and longstanding wounds that seemed as if they would never heal. It is as if I have looked back one last time at my past and the sorrows and pain I have held onto for a lifetime, and in a whoosh completely released them. There is no more pain to hold onto, only potent possibility abundant for a future greater than anything I ever imagined. I am so glad that I came to this before my life was over. No matter how long I have left on this planet, days or decades, I have been given the life of joyful living. There is magic all around me, blessings, miracles, and I will live it all and write about it all for the rest of my life.

I believe in angels.

I believe in miracles.

I believe there is only a thin veil between us and the other side, I believe that there is a continuum, I believe that our bodies die but our souls, our spirits, live on. And I believe that we can be in touch with so many wonders in this world and beyond that we may never be afraid again. It is a though I have been touched by a magic wand and gained a new kind of sight and beingness in the world than I ever knew was possible. I am coming into an openness that allows all good things in, even if they are hard for most people to believe, that’s okay, I will simply open my heart and connect to it all.

And when I say I send you love, and I do, to each of you, if you are reading this I am touching you in a tangible way. I mean it when I say I send love. Like the pink angel orbs that showed me love exists and it flows from me to you. If we spend our days sending and receiving love our lives will be transformed. Believe in miracles, they are as close as the nose on your face. Close your eyes, relax your body, watch your breath go in and out, and open yourself up to all the wonders of the universe. Do this every day. Do it as you go to sleep at night. Believe.

Will you sing and dance with me? Will you open your heart? Will you allow the miracles that are waiting to come to you to come? If you answered yes to any of these questions I hope you will talk to me in the comment section below. It’s time, like the women at the top of this post, for us to wrap our arms around each other and sing and dance together. What could be more beautiful? I think there’s no other way to live and live fully. May I put my arm around you? Will you dance with me? The music has started, the time is now.



The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Happiness: Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”