The Experiment: Day 82 ~ And Sometimes There Will Be Holiday Slumps…

These days will come, holidays or no. And even though it is a festive, joyous time of the year with warmth and love in so many places a day can catch you off guard, or memories of Christmases past, or things that take us by surprise, and hurt us. And, too, despite the season, a heart can break a little, things we thought we knew to be true, are not, things change. We can feel like the little ornament that fell off the tree and rolled into the corner and no one noticed that we were even gone. Sometimes people go on with their lives while we stay frozen to the spot, afraid, and sad, and lost. Sometimes any or all of these things might be true. What to do on such a day?

I’m doing the simple little things that I can. Cancelling things that I no longer need, cleaning out my e-mail box, realizing it’s time to say goodbye to some things and let go. Leaving groups I was a part of, and considering leaving others. Making room for new things in my life. And in the midst of it all something curious is happening. The last vestiges of old beliefs that have held me captive are also falling away, and I am looking at who I really am, what I really want for my life, and trying to figure out the best ways to go about making these changes. Perhaps this is a pre-New Year kind of feeling. The last 2 or 3 weeks of the year when we look back over all that was and decide what we will carry forward into the new year. In a way this time of year is about beginnings and endings. Christmas is the birth of a new babe, a time for new and beautiful things coming into our lives, while at the same time we are closing out a year and saying goodbye to people, places, and things that are no longer a part of our lives. In some ways it can be the end of an era. Perhaps this time of the year is a time of inviting new things in while we let go of others. One can’t help but feel melancholy at this time of the year. I am feeling a little broken-hearted today. I think we can almost expect those feelings to come at some time during the holidays, and I think we have to accept it all, the sorrow and the joy, ushering in the new while saying a final goodbye to things that are passing. Life is not one or the other, life holds it all. I am feeling that deeply just now. It makes me cry a little.

What do you do on the days when sadness creeps in, when you are aware of losses even while your heart lifts a little with thoughts of new things to come? I’d really like to know. I hope you will share your thoughts in the comments below. I think it would help me so much.

Thank you so much dear one, this too shall pass, tomorrow is another day…


The Experiment ~A 365 Day Search For Truth, Beauty &
Day 1 ~ Introduction To The Project
“Do or do not. There is no try.”