“365 Days of Mindfulness” [Day 56] On The First Day Of The New Year & The Night Of The New Moon, I Am In The Presence Of Angels…

It is a day of blessings, and profound grace.

It is a day when we are doubly blessed with the possibility of all things new. A new year, a new moon, potent possibilities abundant, I am filled with reverence.

I have set my intentions for the new year, and written them out in a little book. I have prepared my new moon ritual, candles are lit, surrounded by crystals. I have prayed, and walked outside, just as the sky began to darken, before the moon was visible.

As I leaned back and took photographs of the tops of the trees in the darkening sky my angels appeared in every one of the shots. They have been coming this year but I noticed, when doing a review of the last year, that the pink orbs and spirit trails really picked up their pace in appearing to me more and more frequently from July on, and the closer I have gotten to the end of the year. I am taking dozens of pictures every night, all through the woods, around the cottage, and even out to the street in front and they are in every one. I am deeply blessed. I am in awe. It is powerful grace and evidence, enough, for me, that miracles are on the way.

My word for this year, 2014, is Miracles. 

I have only just decided that I would share a few of the photos here and there but it is very private, and sacred to me. That they are coming with much greater frequency, and in great abundance in nearly every one of dozens of photos each night, I have decided to write a little book called “In The Presence of Angels.” If you are interested in the subject you can look “Angel Orbs” up online. There is a lot of information but I am not concerned with trying to convince anyone of anything, nor defend my beliefs. I don’t need anyone else to believe what I believe or know to be true in my heart about my experiences here, I simply hold them sacred, they are a comfort, and a gift, and I will share a few with you from time to time.

I am sharing 6 here now. I took them in different locations, from different angles, in different parts of the garden and woods behind the cottage about 5:30 p.m. My beloved 15 year old pug Sam is in one, and tiny Delilah is in the one filled with orbs. They are absolutely unretouched, I did not use any photo manipulation programs, only resized them down a bit because they are very large photos. I share them, quietly, and with reverence, with you…

There is so much happening in the year ahead. I am working on the page that will go up tomorrow or the next day for the private mentoring sessions I will offer. The Wabi Sabi School of Mindfulness will open by the end of the month, there is a book on mindfulness in the works and many other projects. The enormity of it all would completely overwhelm me were it not for my mindfulness practice, stopping many times throughout the day and into the night to bring myself back to the present moment, to breathe, to come back into my body, my center, and settle myself, right here, right now.

Breathing in… Breathing out… Ahhhh….. Yes. Here. Now.

I have 3 words for the new year, actually, but 2 of them are very private and they are part of the landscape of the miracles that I envision in the year ahead. I am more at peace than I have ever been, and I have noticed something very interesting. As the angels have appeared with greater frequency I have been getting much better than I have been in a long time. The psychiatric nurse practitioner I work with agrees and has been rather amazed. Some of my meds have been cut back and I am finding a greater sense of equilibrium, I am getting more accomplished, I am sure and steady in my purpose and in my work —-

I. Am. Happy.

Inside, outside, upside down, I am happy. You have no idea what it means for me to say that. I have dealt with a lot in my life but I have decided not to write about it anymore. I am releasing it. It is the past, I am here in the present, facing the future, filled with love and gratitude. Everything in my body and life are changing in such powerful and amazing ways I am just being very present with it all.

In this moment, in each and every moment of 2014, I am open, ready, and present to receive miracles.

I will be 60 in April and I am so overjoyed at the thought I cannot tell you. In April I start my 7th decade on this earth in the best place I have ever been in my whole life since I was born and there simply are no words for what this all means.

I. Am. In. Awe.

And I will leave you here. I am going to feed the pugs and walk outside with them again. The moon will be up now, and I will pray, and sing, and meditate, and laugh, and cry, and take many, many photographs. It is the year of the angels. It is the year of miracles. It is right here, right now.

I am sending you so much love, more than mere words can express…


  1. Awe…the right word when you are being visited by hovering angels. Friends have taken pictures of the smaller orbs but none so glorious as these. You are a special being and being acknowledged and loved.

  2. Thank you so very much Cathryn…

    When they started appearing earlier in the year I thought it was something odd with the camera, but then other nights, with the same weather conditions, they weren’t there. As they started appearing with greater and greater frequency I became really curious about what they were and one night I came across what to me was an unbelievable interview with a man from great Britain who showed lots of slides and said that these orbs were angels, and the white clouds that whooshed through the photos (not shown here) and are sometimes very prominent and odd shaped are other spirits. Now I know a lot of people are not going to believe that that’s what they are and that’s fine, as I said in the post I am not trying to convince anyone, I am simply sharing what to me is a profound and beautiful experience.

    I was afraid to show the photos and then I saw a film on orbs where not only theologians but scientists, physicists, astrophysicists, and people from all walks of life around the world and all manner of professions also had lots of photographs of the orbs, they had been tested by labs and proven not to be a result of something with the cameras or atmosphere, in any case, it gave me the courage to share some of them, and they are coming with greater frequency all the time.

    It is quite something to me. I hadn’t thought that those here were probably any different than any others but I started seeing more photographs and haven’t seen any like these (I know I haven’t come across photos like these, they have to be out there!) and then as people saw mine who had also had these experiences and photographs of their own they said that they were amazed because they had never seen any this large, or this color. They are just beautiful, and I am grateful to have them here with me. It feels different here. I feel different, and to me that is a beautiful kind of grace. I feel blessed.

    Thank you so much for your kind words, and coming to share this with me. It means a lot, and touches me deeply.

    With Love,


  3. I agree with Cathryn….it is no surprise that the angel orbs are so spectacular, for you are being protected and loved. My word for the year is mindfulness. I am going to try very hard to stay in the precious present moment, and not dwell on the past or fret about the future! I too, will let go of my past story, as I have told it enough and it is preventing me from moving to higher levels. I will create a new story, a new life, one that is filled with everyday miracles. That is my wish for the new year. May your angels be ever with you and may all your hopes and dreams come to pass…many blessings to you!

  4. Oh Donna, I am so glad to hear this. I think this is exactly what we must do. Let go, let go, let go of those things that hurt us and hold us back. Have we not carried them long enough? Time to take the albatross from around our neck and set it down, bless it, and leave it behind, and turn toward a brighter future, lighter, freer, and more able to move forward into a new kind of grace. And yes! Everyday miracles. They are central to my life and a wonderful benefit of practicing mindfulness. I would love to hear what some of yours are and I shall surely be writing about mine.

    And thank you so much dearheart. This gathering of angels does feel as though they have come to be present with me while I do some pretty powerful work this year, and they are a great comfort and blessing indeed.

    Much love to you and wishes for a beautiful and happy new year…


  5. I have always believed in Angels and know my Guardian angel has helped me so many times in life and if you sit very still and wish you can even feel those arms around you.

    You have angels around you for a reason Matri, they are there to protect and guide you and let you know you are on the right path. x

  6. Lovely orb pix!
    I’ve taken pix myself with orbs in them, and I’ve seen pix with more orbs than I can shake a feather at, but the orbs in your pix are indeed larger than usual.
    If I may offer a guess…I’d say they’re pink because that’s an alternate color for the heart chakra (and I do sometimes see a tiny pink spark in the center of the green sphere of the heart center in meditations). No surprise that a woman with a heart wide open would attract high heart angels! 🙂 May the visitiations continue in this year and in the years that follow!

    Blessed Be,
    Victoria oxo

  7. Thank you for sharing this! It has touched my soul. Blessings to you!

  8. My word for the year is “stretch” (as in body, mind, spirit, and emotions). I had never chosen a single word before, but read a blog by an author who does it every year. Her word for 2014 is “stillness.” I’ll probably write a blog about my own word. It feels better than a resolution, because it can bend and change (appropriate to its meaning) so easily from day to day and moment to moment.

  9. my mantra for this new year is

    i dwell in peace, i dwell in beauty



  10. Thank you Carolyn, and you know, the timing of when they started to appear and the frequency building and building has come into my life at a very significant time. It is very precious to me, and I feel very supported in my life and work right now. I am sharing photos on Blipfoto which appears on the side of my blog, and will be sharing some in my newsletter as well…

    Blessings dearheart,


  11. Sweet Victoria, sister of my heart…

    You know, the thing that has had me baffled is that I see lots of pictures of orbs but it’s rare for them to be this color and I have never seen any this big. I have taken hundreds of photographs of them now in all manner of locations, times and circumstances and they are always very large and the most beautiful pink. Tonight I saw a column of white that startled me (not in a bad way!) and there have been more things than I will share because they feel very private and sacred. As I said I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, I am not selling anyone anything, I am just sharing my experiences from the heart. I so appreciate your note here love, and your kind words mean a lot to me…

    Blessings and Love,


  12. Blessings to you sweet Dori, I am so glad you stopped by, and I’m so glad that the angels have touched your heart…

    Blessings honey…


  13. Kathleen that’s a wonderful word and feels as though it will engender tremendous growth in your life this year. May your year be filled with blessings in abundance…



  14. Katya that is just beautiful, thank you for sharing honey…


  15. Just read your post today, better late than never! Your photo’s are beautiful <3 I am sure you must also have fairies around in your lovely gardens too 🙂 I would so much love to see them myself…
    I've had a rather rough year financially and hope this year will bring a new and fresh start (I like to think of the new year starting on my b-day, Jan 21). We have our dearly loved home up for sale, being the solution, but it has been rather difficult having to wait for this change to take place though I have felt different since the start of the year, maybe it's getting closer…I have been praying to the angels nightly to cut cords etc., and for relief. An acquaintance who happens to be a medium suggested that I speak directly to my grandmother who is on the other side and waiting to help – yes, Gram, speed it up please!
    Wishing you a year of blessings…

    • Oh Angela honey I just found this comment and now it is 2018! I don’t think you will probably ever see this but I am praying that your house sold before long and that you are in a much better place now. Just days after you wrote this my beloved Dragonfly Cottage burned down. The angels saved me that night but I lost so much it is still heartbreaking and the orbs haven’t returned since the fire, it is as though they were in my life long enough to save me and then they left. I am still hoping and praying that they will return.

      I wish for you this this is a year of many blessings, wherever and however you are in the world today…


  16. Oooh Maitri, I so love seeing those angel orbs. Ooh this is so exciting.

    Much Love, Jean

    • Oh Jean I’m so glad that you’ve seen them. They were such a loving presence in my life and I went out and photographed them every night for many months. I truly miss them and hope one day they will return. And again I’m glad your angel visited you in the shower. That is so wonderful.

      Best and blessings to you dearheart…


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